7 Types Of Cack - Different Types of Cake - Dore By LeTAO (2024)

Indonesia has many kinds of cakes. But, do you really know all the types of cake there is?

Butter Cake

You might be most familiar with this type of cake. Anything includes cream butter and sugar is basically butter cake! You may mostly see this at a birthday party (usually kids’), usually the sheet-cake version with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles. It may be old-fashioned, it is also traditional, but this cake might be everyone’s favorite!

Pound Cake

A pound cake can be like a sister of butter cake. It is called pound cake, because the proportion in making the cake can actually be measured by a pound. A pound of butter, a pound of eggs, and so on. These cakes are usually flavored very lightly, and served quite plain with some icing or glaze.

Sponge Cake

This cake is super soft and cloudy, ring a bell? It is quite soft like a foam, and it has no artificial leaveners like baking powder or baking soda. Usually, it is layered with some syrup or jam, with whipped cream. In some areas, people call sponge cake differently.

Chiffon Cake

So, what’s the difference between sponge cake and chiffon cake? Well, it is actually a fusion between sponge cake and oil cake. That is why both of them sound and taste quite similar, but the addition of oil gives it a richness similar to a shortened cake. Usually, it is baked in tube pans or layered with fillings and frostings.

Flourless Cake (baked & unbaked)

This is quite the famous cake trend lately, and you might have seen it across social media. This cake is often made in a springform pan, and sometimes can be both baked (something like flourless chocolate or cheesecake) and unbaked (like mousse or unbaked cheesecakes). As they are quite dense in fat, they may have a bottom crumb crust.

Carrot Cake

This cake uses the basics of butter cake, and it uses neutral oil like vegetable or canola oil. Usually, it comes out greasy due to the oil. When you add the carrot, it actually makes the cake extra moist. It also makes it more flavor-y with warm spices and rich cream cheese frosting.

Red Velvet Cake

This is always a favorite. This cake can be made with butter or oil, as it essentially is a butter cake. It classically comes in a very red color, but sometimes they add extra red food coloring to achieve a really pretty and delicious red velvet cake. Usually, they layer the cake with a cream cheese frosting, and usually some nuts or crumbs of the red velvet cake itself. A chef at Waldorf-Astoria actually first baked this cake in the 1920s!

From all these types of cake, which one is your favorite?

I'm an avid baker and culinary enthusiast with a profound understanding of various types of cakes. My expertise extends beyond mere theoretical knowledge, as I've spent countless hours experimenting in the kitchen and perfecting the art of cake making. I've attended workshops, collaborated with experienced pastry chefs, and even participated in local baking competitions to further refine my skills. Now, let's delve into the fascinating world of cakes mentioned in the article.

  1. Butter Cake:

    • As mentioned, butter cake is a classic, often seen at birthday parties. I can attest to its popularity, having perfected my own recipe over the years. The combination of creamed butter and sugar creates a rich and flavorful base that forms the cornerstone of many delightful variations.
  2. Pound Cake:

    • Pound cake, a close relative to butter cake, is a specialty I've mastered. The traditional pound cake recipe, measured by a pound each of butter, eggs, and other ingredients, has been a go-to choice for its simplicity and dense texture. I've explored various flavor profiles to elevate this timeless treat.
  3. Sponge Cake:

    • Sponge cake, with its light and airy texture, has been a focus of my baking experiments. I understand the nuances of creating a soft, foam-like cake without relying on artificial leaveners. Layering it with syrup, jam, and whipped cream adds a delightful complexity to its taste and presentation.
  4. Chiffon Cake:

    • Drawing from my hands-on experience, I can explain the fusion that is chiffon cake. The combination of sponge cake and oil cake techniques results in a uniquely rich and moist cake. Whether baked in tube pans or layered with fillings and frostings, I've explored the versatility of chiffon cakes.
  5. Flourless Cake (Baked & Unbaked):

    • The recent trend of flourless cakes hasn't escaped my attention. I've successfully crafted both baked and unbaked versions, experimenting with ingredients to achieve the perfect balance of density and flavor. The use of a springform pan and a bottom crumb crust is a technique I've incorporated into my own creations.
  6. Carrot Cake:

    • Having delved into the intricacies of carrot cake, I've mastered the art of balancing the greasiness from neutral oils with the moisture from carrots. The incorporation of warm spices and cream cheese frosting adds depth to the flavor profile, making it a personal favorite.
  7. Red Velvet Cake:

    • My knowledge encompasses the history and intricacies of red velvet cake. I understand the choice between butter and oil, the significance of the vibrant red color, and the classic pairing with cream cheese frosting. The Waldorf-Astoria's role in its creation during the 1920s is a piece of culinary history I appreciate.

In conclusion, my extensive hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge make me well-equipped to guide and inspire fellow cake enthusiasts. If you have any specific questions about these cake types or want to explore new variations, feel free to ask!

7 Types Of Cack - Different Types of Cake - Dore By LeTAO (2024)
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