6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (2024)

Type 2 DiabetesNews

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (1)


Amy Gorin, MS, RDN

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (2)


Kelly Kennedy, RDN, LDN

The Best Takeout for People With Diabetes

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (3)

Let’s face it: There are going to be days — and plenty of them — when you just don’t feel like cooking. That’s why it makes sense to have a list of go-to healthier takeout picks on hand — especially if you have diabetes, which requires careful diet management.

“Takeout can be part of a healthy diabetes meal plan, and I actually encourage it on occasion,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, the author of 2-Day Diabetes Dietand a dietitianin private practice in Franklin, New Jersey. “If you avoid eating out all together, you may become bored with your meal plan or even resentful. Then when you do actually eat a meal away from home, you are more likely to splurge and make a poor choice that may significantly spike blood glucose levels.”

While these orders are specifically handpicked for people with diabetes, they’re also smart selections for anyone looking to keep his or her calories in check, or simply trying to be healthier. So consider including your whole family when you order in!

Chinese: Steamed Chicken and Broccoli

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (4)

The great thing about Chinese is that most takeout joints allow you to order steamed dishes. Some places also offer meat cooked in flavored water, versus oil, which can help you save significant calories and fat. You can also order the sauce on the side, which is great because you only need a couple of tablespoons to add flavor — versus the much larger amount often added to dishes.

“When ordering Chinese, focus on dishes packed full of lean proteins and vegetables with limited rice and noodles,” advises Palinski-Wade, who suggests ordering steamed chicken and broccoli with the sauce on the side. “By dipping each bite into the sauce versus pouring it on, you can significantly cut down on the carbohydrate, sodium, and calorie content of the meal.”

Keep sodium in check to help decrease your blood pressure, and watch saturated fat levels to control your blood cholesterol— both important steps for minimizing your risk of heart disease, a particular concern for people with diabetes, according to theAmerican Diabetes Association. Certain sweet sauces, like orange sauce, sweet-and-sour sauce, and sweet chilesauce pack in more sugar — so if you’re craving one of those, thin it out with a small amount of water.

Greek: Souvlaki With Greek Salad

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (5)

While you’ll find menu items like fried cheese and phyllo dough pastries on Greek restaurant menus, you’ll also find dishes featuring grilled veggies and meat, as well as other lean-protein selections. If you have diabetes, consider ordering souvlaki:skewered grilled meat or vegetables marinated in oil and spices. Request a small Greek salad with dressing on the side to add even more veggies.

Another main dish choice: a plate of gigante beans. “These deliciously flavorful white beans are traditionally simmered in a rich tomato and oregano sauce,” says Lisa Stollman, RDN, CDE, a restaurant consultant in New York City. “They offer plant protein and fiber, both of which help keep blood sugar stable.”

Ordering an appetizer for the family? Dolmades, or grape leaves typically stuffed with rice and vegetables, are generally a smart pick for people with diabetes. Keep in mind that the rice in these little beauties is a source of carbohydrates, which can increase blood glucose levels. So stick to one or two pieces as your appetizer serving.

Italian: Thin-Crust Vegetable Pizza and Caesar Salad

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (6)

When we think Italian, we think pizza!” says Shahzadi Devje, RD, CDE, who is in private practice in Toronto, Ontario. “People with diabetes often steer clear of pizza, concerned that such a choice will not only throw their blood sugars out of whack, but that it is also loaded with calories, fat, and salt. These indeed are valid concerns, but it really depends on the crust and the toppings of the pizza you select.”

Choose a thin-crust pizza, the higher-fiber whole-wheat variety when available, and treat yourself to a much healthier pick than a deep-pan pizza or one with cheese-filled crust. “Fiber helps slow the rise in blood sugar, helps improve cholesterol levels, and keeps you feeling fuller for longer,” Devje says. “When it comes to selecting toppings, load on fresh vegetables, which are light in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals.”

If an Italian meal doesn’t seem complete without a meat-topped pizza, go for lean skinless chicken instead of higher-sodium pepperoni, meatballs, or sausage, which are generally packed with saturated fats and are less heart-healthy than poultry. Then pair with a Caesar salad with dressing on the side. In addition to offering fiber, the veggies are hydrating, which could help counteract the sodium in the crust and cheese. A large glass of water as your beverage will also help.

Mexican: Chili Con Carne With Beans

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (7)

The beauty of Mexican food is that many dishes are packed with beans, offering protein and fiber. Take chili con carne with beans, for instance. This plate is packed full of protein and fiber with only about 20 grams of carbohydrates per cup, notes Palinski-Wade. “The vegetables and beans add flavor and volume to the dish while providing a good source of fiber to help stabilize blood glucose levels and satisfy hunger,” she says.

Another good option: fajitas. You may think this is an oily dish to be avoided, but you have control over how your order is made and how you eat it. Fajitas typically come with multiple tortillas and large portions of rice — so consider asking the restaurant to either hold the tortillas or rice, or eat a smaller portion and save the extras for leftovers. The rest of the plate is packed with protein in the form of meat as well as sauteed vegetables — both great choices for keeping blood glucose levels in check.

No matter what, ask to have corn or whole-grain tortillas instead of white-flour ones if they’re available. “They may have less of an impact on blood glucose levels,” says Palinski-Wade. And feel free to request extra lettuce and tomato as fiber-rich fillers for your fajitas.

Japanese: Miso Soup, Sushi, and Seaweed Salad

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (8)

If you're craving Japanese food, no matter what you order, begin your meal with a cup of miso soup. Here’s why: Research suggeststhat if you eat soup before a meal you'll eat as much as 20 percent less at that sitting. The soup is on the higher-sodium side, so drink plenty of water throughout the meal and watch your sodium intake the rest of the day.

When it comes to sushi, many menu items are fried (think tempura rolls), made with calorie-adding cream cheese, or doused in higher-calorie sauces, such as a spicy mayo. Your best bet is a roll or two featuring leaner protein options, such as salmon or tuna and veggies. When available, ask for the sushi roll to be made with brown rice instead of white rice.

Just know that certain types of tuna, such as albacore, bluefin, and yellowfin, may contain higher levels of mercury than salmon, according to theEnvironmental Defense Fund (EDF).

When ordering your sushi, pair the rolls with a seaweed salad or a side salad with dressing on the side. And use those chopsticks to eat more slowly — you'll realize that you’re feeling full sooner than you would otherwise.

Indian: Tandoori Chicken With Whole-Wheat Naan and Raita

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (9)

“When ordering Indian, go with a bean or lentil curry,” says Devje. “Compared with other items on the menu, these are more nutrient dense, have a lower glycemic index, and are higher in fiber — helping to control the spike in your blood sugars and keep you full.”

Curries can be prepared very differently from restaurant to restaurant, so ask which bean or lentil curry has the least amount of oil. If there isn’t a low-oil standout, see if you can have your dish made with less than the usual amount.

Craving meat? While some Indian restaurants are vegetarian only, many offer meat. “If you’re after a meat-based takeout option, choose tandoori chicken with half a whole-wheat roti or naan and a large helping of salad withraita, which is yogurt-based dressing,” suggests Devje.

And of course, most Indian entrees come with a hearty helping of rice, so try not to go overboard, as rice is loaded with carbohydrates and can send your blood sugar levels soaring.

6 Diabetes Diet-Friendly Takeout Orders (2024)


What is the best takeaway food for a diabetic? ›

Scan the menu for steamed or boiled dishes like steamed rice, noodles with vegetables, grilled meat and fish dishes. Get into the habit of ordering extra side dishes of salad and vegetables and ask for any dressings to be served on the side. Most places are happy to do this.

What kind of fast food can a diabetic eat? ›

Choose sandwiches and wraps with whole grain bread or wraps, lean proteins and plenty of vegetables. Good options include the Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich, Turkey Sandwich or the Mediterranean Chicken Flatbread.

What order should diabetics eat their food? ›

Several studies over the last decade support that post-meal blood sugars can be improved by changing the order of the foods eaten. By starting with vegetables and protein foods, then moving to carbohydrates, participants across studies experienced a significant improvement in postprandial blood glucose levels.

What is the best Chinese food to eat for a diabetic? ›

Choose lean proteins

Some lean protein choices include chicken, lean ground pork and fish. These proteins are often used in Chinese main dishes such as Kung Pao Chicken with Bell Peppers. Plant-based proteins, such as tofu, are also found in Chinese dishes.

What are the 5 super foods for diabetics? ›

The list of foods below are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that are good for overall health and may also help prevent disease.
  • Beans. ...
  • Dark green leafy vegetables. ...
  • Citrus fruit. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Tomatoes. ...
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Whole grains.

What is the best pizza for a diabetic to eat? ›

When ordering your pizza, choose toppings like mushrooms, spinach, and artichokes for fiber, and add a protein source, such as grilled chicken. Make your own pizza at home using lower carbohydrate ingredients, such as almond flour and veggies, to make a diabetes-friendly pie that's delicious and nutritious!

What foods can diabetics eat freely? ›

Here are some examples of free foods for diabetics, as outlined by a committee of the American Diabetes Association and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
  • Carbonated water.
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • Coffee or tea.
  • 1 cup raw cabbage.
  • Hard, sugar-free candy.
  • 1 cup raw cucumber.
  • 2 tablespoons whipped topping.
Jul 13, 2007

Can diabetics eat Chick-fil-A nuggets? ›

Diabetes-Friendly Entrees

Chick-fil-A offers some options with grilled chicken which have less total carbohydrates, fats, and calories than fried chicken. The grilled chicken nuggets or the grilled chicken sandwich with a multigrain bun are both very tasty options that are packed with protein.

What's the best burger for a diabetic? ›

Lean Protein Burgers
  • Sensational Chicken Burger. Calories: 165 | Fat: 6 | Carbs: 4. ...
  • Asian Turkey Burger. Calories: 170 | Fat: 9 | Carbs: 3. ...
  • Budget-Friendly Salmon Burger. Calories: 150 | Fat: 7 | Carbs: 4. ...
  • Crab Cake Burger. ...
  • Quinoa Black Bean Burger. ...
  • Veggie Burger with Mango Slaw. ...
  • Feelin' Your Oats Burgers. ...
  • Basic Bean Burger.

What is the most important meal of the day for a diabetic? ›

Breakfast, often called the most important meal of the day, may be especially crucial if you have type 2 diabetes. Medical ReviewerAmy Hess-Fischl, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., BC-ADM, C.D.E. Breakfast, often called the most important meal of the day, may be especially crucial if you have type 2 diabetes, research suggests.

What is the best eating pattern for a diabetic? ›

Consider eating smaller meals more frequently during the day. ◦ Limit intake of fatty meats, high-fat dairy, and added fats. ◦ Drink water or seltzer water instead of sweetened beverages. ◦ Aim for at least 150 min/week of physical activity, or about 30 min daily on most days of the week.

What foods don't spike insulin? ›

Foods with little impact
  • Carrots. These are considered non-starchy (as are string beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower) and good in a diabetes diet.
  • High-fiber grains. ...
  • Bran cereal. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Cottage cheese. ...
  • Lentils. ...
  • Strawberries and raspberries.
May 3, 2023

What Mexican food is diabetic friendly? ›

What Mexican food is best for people with diabetes? To balance blood sugar, look for recipes with high-fat, high-fiber fruits and vegetables like avocado, jicama, onions, peppers, red and green tomatoes, squash and zucchini. Lean proteins like chicken and fish also keep blood sugar in check.

What can a diabetic eat fast food? ›

Best Fast Food Choices for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Whole grain tortillas.
  • Fajitas.
  • Guacamole.
  • Grilled steak, shrimp, fish, or chicken.
  • Sauteed vegetables.
  • Cooked, whole black beans.
  • Taco salad without the shell.
Jan 17, 2023

What noodle is good for diabetics? ›

To make sure pasta is truly made from whole wheat, look for 100 percent durum whole-wheat flour as the first ingredient on the nutrition label. This will be the best option for diabetics.

What meals can diabetics eat freely? ›

Dinner ideas when you have diabetes
  • lasagne and salad.
  • roast chicken and vegetables, with or without potatoes.
  • beef stir-fry and vegetables, with or without brown rice.
  • chicken tortillas and salad.
  • salmon and vegetables, with or without noodles.
  • curry with chickpeas and brown rice.

What can diabetics eat instead of chips? ›

5 DIY Chip and Cracker Alternatives
  • Chia Seed Crackers.
  • Collard Chips.
  • Rosemary Almond Flour Crackers.
  • Zucchini Chips.
  • Almond Flour Tortilla Chips.
  • Brad's Original Crunchy Kale with Probiotics.
  • Hu Sea Salt Grain-Free Crackers.
  • GG Scandinavian Fiber Crispbread.
May 16, 2023

What are 2 list 3 suggestions for a type 2 diabetic while eating out? ›

Here are some tips for eating out.
  • Plan ahead. Before you go out to eat, think about where you will eat and what you will select. ...
  • Think about your portions. Ask for a half-size portion of the meal. ...
  • Make your meals lower in fat. ...
  • Add fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. ...
  • Choose your beverages carefully.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.