5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (2024)

Finding the best nft blue chip projects requires knowing which key metrics to analyze and how to leverage free available data to help make decisions.

In this article, we share the best five bluechip NFTs and how we determine if an nft is considered a ‘blue chip’ project in the first place. Also, what to look for in a project to be ready to invest.

How do we find opportunities and know what nft projects to invest in since it’s digital art?

It’s all about using nft tracking tools and looking more profound than others into each project before purchasing it. Knowing which metrics and what to look for helps a bunch.

First, let’s go over the basics:

What’s an NFT Blue Chip Project?

5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (1)

Similar to how investors in the stock market reference bluechip stocks, specific NFTs have become precious digital assets called blue chip NFTs. The term ‘blue chip’ originates from playing poker, where the color blue is considered the highest valued chip.

In the stock market, ‘blue chip’ assets tend to be large companies that grow year over year with predictability and a long-term horizon, typically including a dividend to shareholders.

It’s similar to ‘blue chip’ Non-fungible tokens, which tend to be extensive well-known collections that grow continuously and see very little sell-offs or volatility.

What Are Examples of an NFT Blue Chip Project?

Here are a few examples of bluechip projects with high positive growth in holder change, a key performance metric we like to analyze before investing in an nft collection.

NFT Blue Chip ProjectsTotal Holders (Start Period)Total Holders (End Period)% Change (Growth/Decline)
World of Women1,0463,80172%

What Makes Collections an NFT Blue Chip Project?

We use three key performance metrics known as ‘Holder Change,’ ‘Diamond Hands Count,’ and ‘Floor Price’ to determine if an NFT’s considered overvalued or undervalued.

Additionally, we look into four critical questions:

1. Is This Project an Industry Leader?

It’s an industry leader that’s highly recognized and supported. It has a solid and long-lasting community while a future-looking and optimistic roadmap. We wrote extensively on the 5 Best NFT Roadmap Examples for Creators.

2. Does This Project Have a History?

They have a proven track record with increasing floor prices and reliable diamond hand-holders who do not plan to flip anytime soon.

3. How Much Talent Do They Have On Their Team?

A committed team with talent and credibility likely from large brands or has worked with established businesses such as Google, Microsoft, or Apple.

4. Are They Going Beyond JPEGs and Adding Utility?

The Utility of the nft project remains effective, engaging, and rewarding for holders.

More importantly, we look to understand if a project will remain unphased when selling pressure increases and if the number of whale investors continues to increase or decrease.

Learn more about how to evaluate whale investors: Whale Analysis Report – NFT Perspective

How Do You Invest in Blue-Chip NFT Art?

Start asking yourself, ‘Are the total holders of this nft project growing or declining?’ before committing or adding an nft to your portfolio.

1. What Does an ‘NFT Holders Change Percentage’ Mean?

We use ‘Holders Change’ as a critical metric when measuring if an nft project is considered ‘blue chip’ or high value.

‘Diamond Hands’ analyzes the number of holders who haven’t transferred or sold an nft from the collection. However, ‘Holders Change’ looks at how much growth or decline happened with the number of holders between two times.

If an NFT project’s holder count grows between 40% to 60%+ over more than 6+ months or between 10% to 39% within one year, it’s likely a high-value digital asset worth purchasing. In other words, we look to analyze if the rate of growth in the number of holders is sustainable and healthy.

However, if it didn’t grow and only declined for a six-month or one-year period, it’s likely not worth investing into profit.

2. What Does an NFT Holder Ratio Mean?

It measures the number of unique holders by the collection size and helps explain why an nft project is less likely to be sold. Look at the nft holder ratio to determine if the project has a high number of holders based on its overall size.

When an nft holder ratio is high, it’s a positive sign that the project won’t be going anywhere.

Let’s dive into some of the top nft bluechip projects in the space:

Best Blue Chip NFT List

Projects on this list are PFP non-fungible tokens which currently have a low chance of a significant sell-off or high risk. We analyzed the ‘Floor Price,’ ‘Hand Change Percentage,’ and ‘Holder Ratio’ to validate the performance. Lastly, we look to see if their purpose or roadmap looks solid.

1. Azuki – (https://www.azuki.com/)

5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (2)

Azuki’s project is all about ‘We rise together. We build together. We grow together.’ and have plans to launch an exclusive shop for those who own their nft. Also, they’ve started to recruit top talent for others to start their career in the blockchain space.

Floor Price: 9 ETH

Hand Change: 19%

Holder Ratio: 1.82

(Numbers from 4/1/2022 using nftcharts.io)

2. Doodles – (https://doodles.app/)

5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (3)

Doodles grew in popularity due to its hand-drawn and ascetic style with only 10,000 unique designs; now, they are expanding their collection by offering a subcollection if you’ve collected the original doodles. This sub-collection is called ‘space doodles’ and expands on the originals.

Floor Price: 8 ETH

Hand Change: 38%

Holder Ratio: 2.56

(Numbers from 4/1/2022 using nftcharts.io)

3. BAYC – (https://boredapeyachtclub.com/)

5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (4)

Bored Ape Yacht Club’s project took non-fungible tokens to the next level by offering its members exclusive access to yacht parties and New York City gatherings to see physical prints.

Floor Price: 74.74 ETH

Hand Change: 62%

Holder Ratio: 1.52

(Numbers from 4/1/2022 using nftcharts.io)

4. CryptoPunks – (https://www.larvalabs.com/about)

5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (5)

CryptoPunks are original 8-bit art made for the blockchain, and the company behind the artwork is Larva Labs, which built a strong relationship with companies like Google and Microsoft.

Floor Price: 69 ETH

Hand Change: 39%

Holder Ratio: 2.92

(Numbers from 4/1/2022 using nftcharts.io)

5. World of Women – (https://worldofwomen.art/)

5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (6)

World of Women focuses on bringing women into the spotlight and has a growing team of 9 with the mission to create a beautiful, diverse, empowering collection and thriving community.

Floor Price: 6.88 ETH

Hand Change: 72%

Holder Ratio: 1.95

(Numbers from 4/1/2022 using nftcharts.io)

Why Are NFT Blue Chip Projects Good?

Not every NFT collection is a winner; in fact, some lose value, and the owners abandon the project resulting in a complete failure. However, the successful NFT collections over the long run become ‘blue chip’ NFTs.

They earn the project owners the most passive income and keep holders happy with delightful rewards which are unique and specific to their project.

Determine if the project continues to grow over the long term, and you’ll pick the suitable nft projects to invest in that will be profitable.

Who Should Buy Blue Chip NFTs and Who Shouldn’t?

Buying a Blue Chip NFT is best for those looking to hold, also known as having diamond hands. It’s for those waiting for the day when the price of a single nft is high enough to change the lives of this person, their children, and their children’s children.

Bluechip projects aren’t for those who have to fight the daily temptation to sell because that money could feed their family for a couple of weeks.

Why Blue Chip NFTs Are Worth It

Blue Chip NFT art help crypto traders find established projects which deliver stability, consistency, and strong returns over the long run. In addition, our nft bluechip list helps illustrate how a high holder ratio and positive holder change percentage can indicate growth for the collection.

In addition, we used tools such as NFTChart.Io to analyze collections’ performance before purchasing.

There are advantages and disadvantages to owning bluechip projects. Here’s a breakdown:

Pros for Owning’ Blue Chip’ Artwork

  1. Earning:High Rates of Return on Investment (ROI)
  2. Low Risk:Blue Chip NFTs are stable and don’t see high volatility
  3. Predictable:Reliable and proven track record (likely been around for a long time)
  4. Established:Well-known and popular with high demand

Cons for Owning’ Blue Chip’ Artwork

  1. Price:On average, Blue Chip projects are more than 5 ETH and have a high price tag if you want to invest in them.
  2. Growth is Slow:Since these are more significant projects and have been more established over time, they see slight growth incrementally, and so over the short term, you won’t gain significant returns. Only when you invest for the long term will you see the benefit.

If you’ve enjoyed reading about the best NFT blue chip projects, you may also like:

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5 Best NFT Blue Chip Projects Worth Every Penny (2024)


What are blue chip NFT projects? ›

Blue chip NFTs represent a category of NFTs that are exceptionally valuable and in high demand, characterized by their historical significance, influential branding, the competence of their core team, practical functionality, and a robust community of collectors and enthusiasts.

What is the best selling NFT project? ›

Beeple's First 5000 Days digital artwork was by far the most expensive non-fungible token (NFT) sold in 2021 at the time of publication, with most other projects stemming from gaming and collectibles.

How many NFT projects are successful? ›

Despite Facing Challenges, There Are Still Successful NFT Projects That Have Emerged. NFT projects are collections of unique digital items released by a group. This year, the top four NFT projects are Otherside, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, and CryptoPunks.

How to know if NFT is a blue chip? ›

Take a look at a few criteria below:
  1. The blue-chip NFT collections have a long-term value proposition;
  2. The team behind the project has a solid and reputable presence in the industry;
  3. There's a clear use case for the tokens that goes beyond speculation;
  4. And finally, they have a passionate community built around them.

What is a blue chip example? ›

Blue chip companies tend to be free of debt, and most blue chip companies offer favourable dividends to their shareholders. Examples of blue chip companies in the UK include HSBC, Unilever, Tesco, Vodafone and AstraZeneca. Globally, blue chip companies include The Coca-Cola Company, IBM, and Disney.

What are blue chip items? ›

Blue chips generally sell high-quality, widely accepted products and services. Blue chip companies have reputable brands that have been built and maintained over many years.

What type of NFT sells the most? ›

However, there are a few types of NFTs that tend to sell better than others. One of the most popular types of NFTs is digital collectibles. These NFTs are typically used to represent unique items or experiences, and collectors are willing to pay a high price for them.

What is selling most on NFT? ›

Beeple's artwork “Every day” was before the end of 2021 the most expensive NFT art sold, until the artist Pak decides otherwise. The artwork “The Merge” is an NFT sold for the outrageous sum of $ 91.8 Million via Nifty Gateway.

Are NFTs worthless now? ›

Crypto marketing firm DappGambl estimates that 95% of NFT's on the market are now worthless.

How much money do I need to make an NFT project? ›

NFT creation involves several costs, which vary depending on the chosen blockchain and marketplace. These costs can range from as low as $0.05 to over $150 per NFT. The primary factors influencing these costs include blockchain fees, gas fees, marketplace account fees, and listing fees.

Why do so many NFT projects fail? ›

Quick list of reasons NFT projects fail: Not understanding the market. Lack of long term strategy. Lack of adaptability in a volatile market.

What is a successful NFT project? ›

One of the most important parts of building a successful NFT project is setting your initial NFT mint price correctly. If you charge too high of a mint price upfront, you risk losing your momentum, not selling out your collection, and losing the support of your collectors.

What type of NFT is valuable? ›

Rare NFTs are very expensive, for example, CryptoPunks were the first of the NFTs that were ever launched and they are only 10,000 in numbers. Hence, they are scarce, rare and valuable. If you are launching your own NFT, make it rare for value. If the NFT is authentic and verifiable, they will have a very high price.

How do you check if an NFT is rare? ›

To check an NFT's rarity on Discord, you'll need to use the bot command, which you can find in the channel. After entering the NFT's details in the bot command, you'll get an instant reply in the channel showing the NFT and its rarity ranking and other details.

How do you know if an NFT is rare? ›

One of the key elements that can indicate an NFT's uniqueness is its scarcity. NFT collections are more likely to be rare and valuable if there are fewer copies of them than if there are many.

What is a bluechip holder in NFT? ›

Blue-chip NFTs are nonfungible tokens that hold high value and are considered prestigious within the NFT market. Blue-chip nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are coveted for their reputation, quality and potential for long-term value appreciation, just like blue-chip stocks in conventional finance.

What is the meaning of blue chip project? ›

a blue-colored chip of high value. a common stock issued by a major company that has financial strength, stability against fluctuations, and a good record of dividend payments: regarded as a low-risk investment.

What does blue chip mean in crypto? ›

Blue chip cryptocurrencies represent a maturation of the crypto market, embodying stability, credibility, and longevity. With their established positions, wide-scale adoption, and potential for growth, these digital assets have the power to redefine traditional finance and investment practices.

What are the blue chips in crypto? ›

Blue chip cryptocurrencies, including stalwarts like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), have proven their resilience against economic challenges and market turbulence. As anchors of stability in the crypto sea, these tokens reduce the risk of substantial losses, particularly during bearish market conditions.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.