4 Foods You Could (Almost) Exclusively Live Off Of (2024)

You might remember Chris Voigt, the Washington State Potatoes Commission Executive Director who, in 2010, went on an all-potato diet for 60 days. While the move was a publicity stunt “to remind the public about the nutritional value of potatoes,” Voigt actually surprised everyone—especially those who consider carbohydrates a great evil in this world—as he lost 21 pounds and kicked his cholesterol down 67 points.

Or, more recently, you better recall Mark Watney, the astronaut played by Matt Damon in The Martian, who makes an organic potato farm of sorts in order to survive.

But consuming just one kind of food isn’t a long-term possibility. There’s just no edible item that will exclusively sustain a healthy adult. But it’s sure fun to consider, so here are four foods, including potatoes, that you theoretically could live off (and why you actually can’t.)

1. Potatoes


The beloved potato is a fulfilling starchy crop with a grand amount of potassium, fiber, and iron (though the iron supply is more supportive of a male body). It’s also low in fat, sufficient in protein, and solid in certain vitamins. A potato-only diet would leave you deficient in calcium, riboflavin, and zinc though.

"One way of addressing the vitamin shortfall would be to substitute white potatoes with sweet potatoes,” nutritionist Fiona Hunter points out. “[Sweet potatoes] have more vitamin E and A."

2. Human Breast Milk


4 Foods You Could (Almost) Exclusively Live Off Of (2)

In theory, human breast milk is the only item that could offer up your necessary nutrition. Breast milk is calorically sufficient and has “a little bit of everything,” says Jo Ann Hattner, a nutrition consultant at Stanford University School and former national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. That’s fine for infants, but breast milk lacks a good amount of nutrients, protein and fiber chief among them. Lacking either in a big way would lead to liver and kidney damage, which is why babies are weaned onto solid foods.

3. Kale

4 Foods You Could (Almost) Exclusively Live Off Of (3)


Kale is an insane superfood that helps you do everything from slowing age to fighting cancer. A 100-gram portion of kale serves up way more than the recommended daily amount for Vitamin C (200%), Vitamin A (300%), and Vitamin K1 (1000%). Kale has a few problems, however, such as too easily absorbing a toxic heavy metal called thallium, which is a problem if you’re devouring it in large quantities. Eating raw kale can also inhibit absorption of iodine, which could lead to hypothyroidism.

4. Trail Mix

4 Foods You Could (Almost) Exclusively Live Off Of (4)

While you'd have to eat very large quantities to even come within shooting distance of “a well-balanced diet,” dried fruit and nuts deliver on calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium, all while being low in sodium. Plus, dried fruit is rich in fiber and low in fat, and nuts are naturally a terrific source of protein. The only problem is that there's no source of Vitamin B12 and drying fruit kicks out Vitamin C, and you’d never get enough Vitamin D or K.

While these are good stranded-on-a-tropical-island hypotheticals, but be thankful you’ve got access to grocery stores.

As someone deeply immersed in the world of nutrition and dietary science, it's evident that the concept of sustaining oneself on a single type of food is a fascinating yet impractical idea. The examples of Chris Voigt's potato-only diet and Mark Watney's fictional potato farm in The Martian captivate the imagination, but the reality is far more complex.

Let's dissect the article's key concepts:

1. Potatoes

The article rightly emphasizes the nutritional benefits of potatoes, citing their abundance in potassium, fiber, and iron. However, it astutely points out the shortcomings of a potato-only diet, such as deficiencies in calcium, riboflavin, and zinc. The nutritionist Fiona Hunter suggests the potential solution of substituting white potatoes with sweet potatoes, which are richer in vitamin E and A.

2. Human Breast Milk

While human breast milk is acknowledged for its completeness in terms of necessary nutrition, the article underscores its inadequacy for sustaining adults due to the lack of essential nutrients, protein, and fiber. The mention of potential liver and kidney damage highlights the importance of a diverse diet.

3. Kale

Kale is hailed as an "insane superfood" with impressive amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin K1. However, the article introduces the caveat that kale absorbs a toxic heavy metal called thallium, which could be problematic in large quantities. Additionally, raw kale can interfere with iodine absorption, potentially leading to hypothyroidism.

4. Trail Mix

The article explores trail mix as a hypothetical food source, noting its benefits in delivering calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. It also acknowledges the limitations, such as the absence of Vitamin B12, the loss of Vitamin C during the drying process, and insufficient amounts of Vitamin D or K.

In essence, while these foods have remarkable nutritional qualities, relying exclusively on any single item for sustenance is an unwise and potentially harmful approach. The article wisely concludes by emphasizing the importance of a varied diet and expressing gratitude for the accessibility of grocery stores, where a diverse range of foods can be obtained to meet all nutritional needs.

4 Foods You Could (Almost) Exclusively Live Off Of (2024)
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