3 UNIQUE Side Hustle Ideas That Work Now (Make Money Online) (2024)

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3 Unique Side Hustle Ideas That Work Now (Make Money Online)

Today I've got a very special guest for you – My sister, Pam (34) 😊.

She is one of the most brilliant online entrepreneurs that I know. I don't just say this as we're siblings. I really mean it.

Her ability to learn, adapt and apply ideas online in order to create value and make money online is absolutely incredible.

She turned a $9 digital product into $65,000 in a 35-day period.

And she was able to do this as a busy mum of two from London.

Note that she has had many failures trials too, but I thought this success is noteworthy and worth learning from.

Although she is my younger sister, I learn a ton from her and as a family, we're united to truly bring reality to my core belief that:

Digital skills are skills for freedom.

What we discussing today is in substance a mastermind type conversation.

i.e. It's the type of conversation that I'd typically have in private on our fortnightly group coaching calls at Financial Joy Academy.

However, I wanted to share it here in very basic language so that you can learn from it.

It's a set of ideas that pretty much anyone (or any age, gender, race, etc.) can grab onto and run with.

You can also apply these ideas from the UK, US, or anywhere for that matter.

But you'd need to have an open mind and a curiosity about the online world from the perspective of a producer of value.

That's the one favour that I ask of you as you read: Stay open-minded.

Here goes our conversation or rather Case Study (this is a fairly long and worthwhile read).

So please be patient as you read….

Table of Contents

How To Make Money Online (Side Hustle Ideas)


Pam visited our home to say hello and we got talking business (after the usual chat about family, life, etc.).

Somehow we got talking about an influencer and how much money they were making online.

Pam randomly said to me,

“oh, yeah, last year, my business made more than six figures”

She said it really casually 😆.

So I thought, you know what, I'm going to get Pam on board to come and speak to our community…

They're typically people interested in side hustles, who want to make some extra money, especially at the moment where people are working from home.

They've got internet access, but they can't seem to think about reliable ideas for making money.

We obviously share a ton of stuff here at The Humble Penny, however, I just wanted Pam to speak to speak to us from her own voice.

Before she does, I just wanted to share that Pam recorded this as a video for Our YouTube Channel, so feel free to watch that version too.

This blog version will give you time to pause and think of how to use these thoughts, but here is the video in case you want to see that too:

Ok, let's me hand over to Pam…

Meet Pam

3 UNIQUE Side Hustle Ideas That Work Now (Make Money Online) (2)Hey, guys, I'm so excited to be on The Humble Penny.

As my brother said, I'm Pam Obasa.

I'm the founder of The Lucrative Lady, some of you may have come across my brand.

I am incredibly excited to share some of the things we discussed in our casual conversation.

I didn't realise how big of a milestone it was.

Until I said it.

Because Ken said “wow this influencer is doing amazing, she made more than six figures last year.”

And I just went, “yeah, so did I.”

So today, we just want to lay some cards on the table.

Because like Ken said, so many of you are at home and looking for ways to diversify your income.

And the crazy thing about running a business online is that you already have the tools.

Let me say that again, you ALREADY have the tools.

And when you begin to really just grasp what you have in your hands…

You're going to kick yourself because then you realise how much money you've been leaving on the table.

As brother and sister, we obviously grew up together then we went on our own paths, Ken had an amazing career.

I went into business at a very, very early age (16).

But it took a long time for me to actually understand what having a business online means.

And it was when I transitioned and I started running The Lucrative Lady, that I did the very things I'm going to be sharing with you.

That was when my life changed prior to that I was running a business, but the business wasn't making money.

So I say that to say, there are so many people who run businesses online, but they're not making as much money as you think they're making.

Because in order to actually make money from your expertise, you've got to first understand some of the things that I'm going to be sharing.


We're diving in, let's just take a step back quickly.

Let's just have a casual chat about what sort of ideas are working at the moment.

People are unsure what to do on the internet.

People are stuck at home.

What kind of things are working?

And what are you seeing working for you in your own sphere?



The key is in your actual expertise.

There's a lot of time to learn new things, but I think that there's a lot of money to be made in what you already know.


Take note guys. What you already know!


The money is in what you already know.

There are three key areas that you can convert what you already know, into a money making idea.

Okay, so let's talk about it very briefly.

So you have your expertise or your career. When I teach about this subject I ask:

  • What is your career?
  • Or what is your expertise?
  • What do people ask your advice about all the time?

It might not be something that you went to school for, it might not be something that you have a qualification for.

But you know this thing like the back of your hand and people are always asking you for your advice.

Questions like:

How do I make delicious food just like you?

You're not scared to drive on motorways or driving across the country – You travel so much, how?

What!? You've been to 20 countries?

How are you able to find cheap flights? Cheap hotels? Travelling with your family.

All of these things that we take for granted, they are the things that you got to begin to monetise.


So most people have normal jobs – They've got their careers.

How does someone take the stuff they know already, and practically take that to the next level of potentially monetising it?


Action step: So the first step is write down a list of what is possible.

Start with who you are, what you already do.

What are your experiences?

Your qualifications, all of that, write that down as a practical list.

Then you want to whittle that list down to three key areas.

I like to think of them as three key areas that really excite you.

The most important thing out of the three areas is that you solve the problem for somebody else.

This is where the money is. The money is in the problem.

That's the key, the money isn't the problem, the money is in the pain.

Now, once you've whittled it down and you know, actually, I'm able to do A, B, and C, and there is a demand, that is what you're looking for.

Now, how do you know that there's a demand?

You have to go and find out where people are talking about this.

So great places to go are Facebook communities or groups.

People are always asking questions, check Quora, check on YouTube, etc.

What are people searching for?

You know, the moment you start to type something in YouTube, such as a keyword you get lots of suggestions.

These are things that people are searching for, these are things that they are looking for.

If people are looking for it, that is a good sign.

One of the things I want you to stay away from is:

Don't try to be the first of something i.e. don't try and be the first person who's done it.

You want to be in an industry where other people are doing it and making money already.


You want a proven marketplace.


Exactly right. So there is a place for your particular thing.

So that is the first step.


So they have written down these various things you've mentioned.

I'm thinking very practically imagine someone sitting at home.

And they've got access to the internet. They have written down what's possible.

So what you're saying is, spend some time conducting research?


Yes, absolutely. You can even send out a survey.

Send out a survey to your close network, if you're part of Facebook group community, send out a survey to them.

In fact Ken, I remember you did that before you start The Humble Penny.


Yes I did a big survey. That's right.

I sent it to everyone on WhatsApp, all our friends, our family and those on Facebook.


Ken, what a lot of people don't like to do is the grunt work.

They don't want to do research.

But they want to go from idea to profit.

And think that the journey is a straight line, when in actual fact it is a zig zag line going this way and that.

It's boring work, but you've got to do it, because that's what gives you the confidence to move forward.


We're going to talk about specific ideas that are working right now.

We are currently laying the foundations for how you have to start to think about making money online.

So the thought process and then we're going to go into specifics things that Pam can suggest to us, that you might be able to implement as a side hustle idea.

Ok, so someone's done all the research…

Let's say they've gone into a Facebook community.

They have seen people talking about a particular problem or issue.

What happens next?

How do they go from spotting that particular thing to potentially turning it into something that might make them some money.

Definitely sounds like there's quite a few steps in between that.


Yes, there are quite a few steps in between that, but I want to just break it down and simplify it for you.

Now, what a lot of people do is they think, now I'm going to turn it into a business.

And that's what I want you to stay away from.

The step to think is, I need to productize this idea, I want you to create a product out of this.

A lot of people take such a long time to get to that stage. But I actually want you to start at that stage thinking products!


Problem >> Solution >> Product

You want to turn that solution into a product for that problem.

3 Side Hustle Ideas To Explore

Prior to this interview, Ken and I were talking and he was asked me, “Pam, what is working now?

Side Hustle Ideas #1: Low Ticket Products

What is working now a low ticket product.

And what does that mean?

It means a digital product that isn't very expensive.

In fact, it's so low in price, that it's a no brainer for the consumer. This is the very first product


Wait. Low ticket, what sort of amounts are we talking about here? Give us an example.


So really good example.

You're not going to think anything of it.

But I promise you there is a method to this.

So £9 – £37 is low ticket.

The reason it's low ticket is because it's a no brainer.

You want your potential audience to say to themselves “Oh, yeah, I'll just get it.

I'll just pay for it.”

The cost of the low ticket item is so low in cost it doesn't raise any questions.

So just imagine if something was £30 for the sake of math, let's make it a rounded number.

So it's £30 and 1000 a thousand people buy it?

How much do you make? £30,000.

There you go, that's a lot of money. That's somebody's annual income.


What you're talking about here is the idea of taking something with a low price but you are then relying on high sales or high volume.

So and what makes this possible is obviously the internet.

Taking a step back.

Imagine some of our readers don't have an audience. They don't have what you and I take for granted.

Followers, fans or an email list, for example.

How does someone go from just learning about this idea of creating a low ticket offer and potentially even making one sale.

Let's keep it real, just one sale not a thousand, just one.

They have figured out, “I've got these skill sets”.

“I found a potential marketplace on Facebook”

How do we go from this to making a sale?


You need to build an audience.

The question should be what is the quickest and easiest way, pain free way to build an audience?

There are two ways of doing it.

1) You can build it organically, which means what we are doing right now. Create a blog, Start a Youtube Channel, Facebook posts, etc.

2) Or You can also run paid ads.

If you are thinking paid ads could be an option for you, let me tell you it really is.

Paid ads is the quickest way to go literally, from zero to let's say one hundred in a matter of days.


Let's take a step back and further explain paid ads.

Remember Pam, The Humble Penny audience might not understand what you're talking about. What do you mean?


Understood. So by paid ads, I'm talking specifically about Facebook ads.

So Facebook, and Instagram is owned by the same company.

So you can run Facebook and Instagram ads at the same time.

You also have YouTube ads, but let's leave YouTube for now.

You can actually start with £5 a day for a Facebook advert.

Masterclass: Master Facebook Ads For Beginners

I'm going to share a case study with you guys in a moment just so you know what's possible.

For my own business, we started with £8 pounds a day. And I don't think I've ever shared that with you Ken.

And within 48 hours, we were able to see our first sale, which showed me that people wanted this product.


That's interesting.

So is Facebook ads designed to target a specific type of person? Just break that down a little bit


Facebook really excites me now 😀.

Your audience wouldn't know this but I used to be so scared of Facebook ads, the dashboard is scary.

Everything about it was so scary, but I got over the fear.

The most incredible thing about Facebook is that it is one of the biggest platforms that has the most amount of people on it.

I'm talking billions of people.

Let's look at organic and paid ads.

When you have organic traffic you record videos, create posts, use hashtags, key words and SEO.

But you can't specifically tell YouTube, “show my content to this person.”

That's the difference.

But with Facebook ads, you can.

Let's imagine you're a hairdresser utilising Facebook ads.

You can tell Facebook to:

  • show my ads only to women who have children.
  • Only to women who are married.
  • Or only to women who are on Facebook.
  • Only to women who are of a certain age e.g. between 30 and whatever you choose.

And you can even target by race, and by location.

So you can literally say I want to target in this specific area e.g. London, Manchester, Kent, etc.

Because you know, you've done your research, like we talked about.

So you know your ideal clientsand this is where they hang out.

And so it makes no sense for you to tell Facebook to show your ads everywhere.

Because when it comes to marketing, if you're speaking to everyone, you're speaking to no one.

So this is the beauty of Facebook advertising, where you can literally target whomever you want.

And your only limitation is your imagination.

I tell you, this kept me up at night because I got so excited.

I'm buzzing when I'm creating my ads. I'm just like, “Oh, come on, let's do it!” 😆


I saw a text in our family WhatsApp group last last year where you told us about one of your product sales.

It was a crazy number.


Was it $65,065 in 35 days?


Yes. So tell our audience, what was the product?


It's what I'm sharing with you right now.

It was my low ticket product. I had a three tiered pricing.

When I first launched the product. I started at $9. We charge in dollars. Let me just explain.

As you have a predominately UK audience. The reason why my business charges in dollars is because we are very global.

And I would say a good 70% to 80% of our market is actually outside of the UK.

We have quite a healthy UK market. But it's easier to charge in dollars.

So we started the product at $9.

  • What was the the problem we were solving?
  • And what's the exact product?

So it's called 365 Social, it's a social media tool.

It's a tool that gives you high converting social media posts, because it came from my problem.

The problem was a lot of my clients were coming to me, as well as reading in social media groups and Facebook groups.

People were really struggling with how to create posts on social media and were spending too much time crafting posts.

And when they did, it wasn't getting any results.

And one of the things that I'm very good at is creating good messaging, posts that convert.

So I took my expertise, just like I'm saying to you and I sat down and I said “Pam, how can I solve this problem?”

And I looked at what was out there and I looked at their other products.

Then I realised that every other social media product out there was giving you some sort of social media calendar.

It was telling you when the Queen's Birthday was, St George's day was when Christmas was, giving you a date that you could Google and find.

I didn't feel that this was solving the problem.

The problem was specific.

It was that they didn't know how to write posts that converted their audience in to taking action.


So you gave people a template?


I gave the actual post, they can basically copy and paste i.e. they change the name and the facts that worked for them.


The people who purchased the product were they running small businesses?

They were looking to attract some customers using social media?



Right, then another group of people emerged, which were people who wanted to run businesses online.

So they use social media as a business, as a service offering.

And so now they have a tool to help them.

They can use that tool to work for their clients and use that tool also, to generate more clients.


So this works really well by the sounds of it because it's solving a problem.

And it's super low ticket.

You started at $9. For me, $9 is similar to the cost of a takeaway meal.

Next to nothing.

The person whom has made the purchase is thinking “wow, I'm getting a whole year's worth of content ideas that I can literally copy and paste or change a few factual things.”

That person is getting a lot of value.

I'm stressing this point, because this is really telling us a lot about money making, which comes by creating a lot of value.

You've actually got to create something that offers a full transformation solution.

The receiver has to feel something tangible.

As this is a digital product, you create it once and then what's left is in marketing the product.


Yes, the skill is in marketing the product.

Before we move on to that, there's another caveat to why it works.

Earlier, I said that I started at $9. So that was a starting point in order to verify what people buy.

Remember, I wasn't trying to make money at that point, I was only trying to verify market fit.

And within 24 hours, I think I had just under 30 sales within 24 hours.

That was enough for me, I increased the price to I think it was $18 or $19. And again, within another 24 hours, another 50 people bought.

I increased the price again to $27, now it's currently selling for $37.

And it's staying there because that's really where I was trying to get to.

But I want to share the thinking behind all of that:

1) Product market fit – I'm trying to make sure that I had buyers and I had a frenzy of buyers, like I wanted a lot of people to buy.

2) Feedback – I wanted to use my first batch of people to make sure that I was getting good feedback.

So I needed to hear the voice of my buyers, my clients, my customers, and to see what was working.

What do I need to fix before I go live?

And at this point, I wasn't running any Facebook ads. I did all of that organically.


When we say organically, where did you market to get organic reach?

What does that mean?


I used three specific patterns.

  1. Instagram,
  2. Facebook, and
  3. LinkedIn.

And at that point, I had a very small email list.

Enough to discount email.


But you had a sizeable social platform. You had thousands of people following you on Instagram, for example.

So they could see you had some, some visibility.


Yes I had a visibility foundation to lift off.


So again, this comes back to building an audience. You've got your efforts over time, then serving that audience and potentially monetising.


That's right.

You've got to sow the seed, you can't just harvest where you haven't sown.

If you're going to harvest where you haven't, certainly it will cost you a little bit more.

That's where Facebook ads comes in because you haven't sown any seeds.

Facebook is doing the work for you. And so that's the alternative.

And that's why earlier when we mentioned, if you don't have an audience, and you're thinking, what is the quickest way?

Because building an audience is not a get rich quick thing. There is no such thing.


It's very, very important to understand that.


But I promise you that when you nail it you live off your hard work.

Like Ken said, $65k in 35 days, that was just 35 days.

Yeah, that means that we have done incredible amounts since then. And you see what I'm trying to say.

But like I said,

1) It started with a problem

2) verifying the problem

3) creating a product

4) checking the market fit.

And gradually over a few days, then we scale.


So just to mention,, that's not $65k every month.

Pam is talking about the success from a specific product over a specific period of time.

Just so we're not going to mislead anybody.

Parallel to that success there have been other things that haven't quite worked out. So it's important to get that balance.

We're hearing these numbers. So we talked about one idea. So number one was we talked about low ticket products.

And you're monetising these via an audience that you build up?




What else is working right now?

Side Hustle Ideas #2: Create a Sales System


So that was only half of the story.

365 Social, that specific product was only part of the story, which leads me to point two.

And that is the second thing that is working and will always work.

And I promise you, and if you can get your head behind this, this is where your business really changes.

And that is a sales system.

The $65k in 35 days wasn't only from 365 Social. So this is let me just break down the funnel.

So what I actually did was, I didn't just create 365 Social, I started with 365 social, then I created an entire sales system.

Because here's the truth. As an example think about this:

IKEA is a sales system. It's just a physical one.

Have you noticed that when you walk into IKEA, you can't just walk back out?

You walk in, and you've got to go all the way around.


I love that example. It literally forces you through all these rooms to see all the amazing products.


That's right.

You go in to pick up a plant. You walk away with a pillow, bedsheet and a trolley full of stuff.

That is a sales system.

So this is why it works so beautifully, because you come in on one thing, but you've got to get through the other things in order to get through to the end.

So when I actually created 365 social, I created a series of other products that would complement 365 social.

As an example, if somebody buys a pair of shoes.

And what would complement a pair of shoes, socks? shoe cleaner? Shoe storage? A brush?

All of these makes the overall deal sweeter.

So I created complementary products.

And this is how you can monetise.

So you create your first low ticket product…

And now you think, what is complementary?

It's just like, you go to McDonald's, and they say would you like fries? Ketchup? A drink? Ice cream? Donut? Do you want a coffee?

They're giving you other options because they're trained to do that.

Well, it's the same thing in the digital world.

So let me break down the numbers of 365 Social just so that you can see how the numbers actually worked.

We realised that 365 Social is what's known as the introductory offer.

So what we noticed was because the product was so good, we noticed that 50% of those who bought the first product also bought the second.

This is known as a Profit Maximiser or Order Bump.

So imagine 10 people bought the first one, 5 of those 10 people also bought the second one, which meant that it increased the average cart value.

Even though we started from day one at $9, we were actually ending up at the next product, which was $17.

So we actually ended with $9, plus $17.

When we moved the product to $37, and we made the second product $27. The total cart value was $64.

So it meant that 50% of orders bought both products.


Your goal is to create a sales system which encourages somebody, by offering them good value, to purchase more.

Therefore increasing the average basket size. A bit like purchasing an item on Amazon.

When you make a purchase, the cart will show you “other people who bought this also bought these items.”

So the consumer thinks ” Oh, yeah, I think I want to buy that as well”.

Therefore Amazon are able to extract a much higher average basket value.




Dream Makers within Financial Joy Academy (FJA), just to let you know Pam is going to do a masterclass.

She will give us an extraordinary amount of detail.

Some members who have started online businesses within FJA, can learn more of the exact things that they need to do in order to get those businesses making more money.

Get the systems in place in order to do the heavy lifting for you. That's the whole point of the sale systems.

They work for you. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


When you hear people say they are making money in their sleep.

I used to think “What? Unbelievable.”

It was unbelievable until I experienced it.

I remember when it first dawned on me that this was actually happening I was on a school run.

And my phone was in my pocket. It was just buzzing, intermittently.

I was thinking “who is texting me so much.”

But it was actually people buying products. I remember calling my husband and saying “it's happening!!!” 😆.


This level of detail is very unusual, by the way. Because normally we go this deep within the Financial Joy Academy.

So it's good to talk about it on the blog at this level by doing a deep dive.

I completely identify with what Pam has said.

I've been very transparent with The Humble Penny audience about creating evergreen funnels.

I talked about it recently in the video called 5 LEGIT Investment Ideas For Regular Monthly Income

And the reason why that's very important is because it will generate you money, an income over time.

Well Pam is basically creating an evergreen funnel on steroids!


Yes true. ha ha 😂


Pam's systems don't just take you to perform one action.

It's asking you to take action 1.

And then oh, by the way, have you thought about action 2?

By the way, if you get action 2, you get this discount.

Overtime it's a series of psychological instructions delivered systematically.


That's right.

So there's a third component to this, that we did with this actual funnel, right, as we're talking about is the system.

So when people have been through this system, they go on our email list, because we've got to deliver the products.

We give them a few days, and we take them through another sequence, which we call the lucratively launch.

We're not selling you anything on this sequence.

But what we're doing is we're trying to get you on a call, which leads me to the third component.

Side Hustle Ideas #3: High Ticket Offer

Component number one that's working right now is a low ticket product.

The second one is a sales system.

Component number three is some sort of high ticket offer.


So in effect, what's really happening is that the right people are going up a Value Ladder.



They're essentially starting off very low.

And then over time, they're going up a value ladder.

So there is a gap in between.

And there's a gap of just me just giving you value, sending you videos of value.

But essentially, what I'm trying to do on that second leg of that race, is I'm trying to get you on a call.

Because our products are that high level, it's quite a high price point.

And we sell that over consultation and of course, I have a sales team who do that along with me.

So we've noticed the beauty of this entire system is that people who come through that low ticket product have also purchased the product.

Imagine there are two ways of coming into this:

  1. You come in as just a subscriber. So you just got something free, you didn't put any money down.
  2. The other is you've paid for some things.

We noticed that people who come through the low ticket and purchase something, the conversion rates at the top are stupendously high.

You see that? Because they have purchased something.


So what you're saying there is that for someone who's bought something…

The probability of them buying again, is a lot higher, than somebody who's never bought something.


Yes exactly.


Actually think about it, this could apply to your personal life.

If you've bought something from a particular store and you like what you've bought, you're more likely to go back.

Because you've established some kind of trust with that particular individual or business.

You're looking at this analytically, on the internet, because you're running an online business.

And you're able to see the analytics data to connect the dots.


That's right, absolutely. And so this has been the way that we have built our business.

There's a lot happening in the world right now.


There's a ton going on.

Many people are losing their jobs.

But we were quite confident, not in a braggy way.

We were talking about these ideas, because these skills have taken time to acquire and it didn't just happen.


There have been a lot of failures.

I didn't get it right on my first go. That just didn't happen.

In fact, let me throw in there as a bonus point, one of the key things to really focus on once you have created those products is not the product anymore.

It's actually to focus on your conversion.

Look at the analytics in terms of the data to see what is working. And, what's not working.

  • Is this video working?
  • Does this headline work?

All of those mini tweaks are what increases your conversion, and all you're really trying to do is increase your conversion.

I'm not going to lie to you, building a sales system is really tough.

Now that almost everyone is working from home, you can spend some time on this and learn.

If you do spend some time on this and you get it right, it's not something that you have to keep doing over and over again.

All you will be doing is looking at the sales generated… e.g. 100 sales today, etc.

I wanted 150. ha ha 😀


We' have taken you on a little marathon.

And today is definitely mastery level. It was pretty advanced.

There is a lot we've covered here, so please feel free to ask in the comment if you have any questions.

Pam is going to conduct a masterclass at Financial Joy Academy about visibility, sales, starting an online businesses and generating sales from your products.

NOTE: If you're interested in that as I mentioned before, you'll see Pam's Masterclass and about 25 other Action Plans (and growing) about wealth building for Financial Independence within our membership programme.

We are super specific about who we actually want to join a membership because we want action takers.

People that are not going to lurk in the background.

We want people that are going to apply what they're learning from us, put in to practice and start to see the results themselves.

So if you're interested, feel free to check it out above or read the FAQs here.

In summary, as we've talked about a lot.

What are the three things that you see working right now?


1) Low ticket products – So a product that isn't very expensive, very cheap, and it's digital, you created one time you benefit forever.

2) Sales systems – which basically means a suite of products within a system that converts.

3) High ticket product or something at the top end.

With #3, they will work a little bit closer with you and you're helping somebody with a much bigger transformation, although there is transformation at every level from #1 – 3.

The third part will deliver the biggest transformation that you could ever possibly give them.

An example of a high ticket offer is to deliver a:

  • Mastermind,
  • One-to-one coaching,
  • Group coaching or
  • Intensives

These are the key areas when it comes to that very top product.


How can you deliver that top end offer using technology?


Zoom, Skype, 24 Sessions, there are so many options.

A lot of people are delivering transformations just on Facebook groups.

In fact, your only limitation is your imagination on this one.

I'll be very honest with you. It's very easy to do.


How important is it to work with other people to get accountability and learn the skills required?

We really emphasis that at Financial Joy Academy.

Who are you learning from?


We are constantly refining our skills, attend masterminds and learning from each other.

But we have other people who we learn from and a few key people that I really follow.

And I'm continually learning, even though I am by the grace of God, I'm now very good at what I do.

I still continue to learn, continue to brush up my skills and continue to develop myself.

It is important that you continue to follow The Humble Penny (blog and YouTube), seek out the right people so you learn.

It's so important that you don't just take information, but you take information with the means to implement.

It's all about action.

Like if you're going to learn it, you're going to make a decision in your mind that I'm not just going to learn it, but I'm actually going to do what it says.

In summary,

This post is unusual for The Humble Penny as we've gone deeper than we might ordinarily do.

I hope that you would have distilled the very important points made and actually apply them into your own life situation from today in order to make extra money online during these very uncertain times.

Nothing happens overnight and this is not a promise of get rich quick!

However, if you focus on problem solving, giving value and creating digital assets, then with patience and ongoing learning, you'll reap continual rewards of semi passive income 😊.

Learn more about my sister, Pam Obasa on her website and Instagram.

What To Read Next>>

Below are some other side hustle ideas:

7 Guaranteed Ways To Make £1,000 Per Month

27 Legit Ideas On How To Make Money Online

How To Start An Online Business In 7 Days

What To Watch Next>>

Below are some other side hustle ideas from our YouTube Channel:

Do you have any questions that we can answer for you relating to these 3 unique side hustle ideas that work now? Please comment below.

Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember,in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.

3 UNIQUE Side Hustle Ideas That Work Now (Make Money Online) (12)


3 UNIQUE Side Hustle Ideas That Work Now (Make Money Online) (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.