12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (2024)

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12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (1)

Aquaponics is starting to gain traction as one of the most eco-friendly means of producing both plants and fish. It makes use of a recirculating system that cycles water back and forth between the nutrient producers (fish) and waste recyclers (plants). An integration of both aquaculture and hydroponics, it is a nifty way to make the most out of organic inputs while simultaneously minimizing waste.

As all organic materials are maximized and are theoretically produced in a sustainable manner, aquaponic systems can be highly profitable. The selection of the right plants can lead to a rapid turnover rate, resulting in a higher annual yield within a smaller area. Moreover, as aquaponic systems can usually be run all throughout the year, they are far more productive than outdoor, soil-based enterprises that are at the mercy of the seasons.

The most profitable aquaponic crops are those which can be produced at the highest quality with minimal space and energy requirements. Those which can subsist wholly on the nutrients provided by fish waste, without the need for supplementary fertilizer, require fewer resources to grow. These usually come in the form of leafy greens, culinary herbs, and small fruiting plants. Growing a mix of premium crops, coupled with compatible and edible fish species, is the best way to get a return on investment.

1) Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (2)

Native to tropical Asia and Africa

As the market price of high-quality basil is north of $10 for one pound (0.45 kg), it is a highly valuable crop. Its production cost in a well-developed aquaponics farm can be as low as $0.75/pound. As its market value is almost ten-fold the costs of its production, its mass cultivation can be remarkably profitable. To maximize the value of basil, however, it must be grown in an organic manner and in the largest possible density.

With endless uses in the kitchen and as a source of pesticidal essential oils, basil is definitely one of those herbs that will never lose its global demand. It can be consumed fresh or in the form of dried leaves, drastically extending its shelf-life. Its ease of harvest is matched by its rapid growth rate, which is sped up even further in nutrient-rich aquaponic systems. Since the roots don’t have to grow far and wide to gain access to nutrients, the plant can refocus its energies on producing larger leaves.

Some of the most popular O. basilicum cultivars include Thai basil, Genovese basil, and dark opal basil (an award-winning cultivar). Aquaponic systems may dedicate themselves to specializing in just this species’ high-value cultivars. It is also profitable to grow basil alongside other herbs. A diversity of species, though more complex to maintain, should help reduce the chances of pest infestations.

2) Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (3)

Native to Eurasia

In cultivation for thousands of years, lettuce is one of the most commonly grown leafy greens. It is now available in dozens of varieties, each with its own unique nutritional value and market price. The main cultivar groups, which are farmed and sold all across the globe, include romaine, iceberg, butterhead, and looseleaf lettuce.

Due to the prevailing need for nutritious leafy greens, lettuce is a common staple in many aquaponic systems. Some recirculating farms are able to grow multiple cultivars at the same time. Of course, this appeals to buyers who wish to provide their own customers with a steady supply of this crop’s most in-demand varieties. With a value of up to $16 for just a square foot (or up to $20 for a case/24 heads) of aquaponic-grown lettuce, those producing premium leaves can undoubtedly make a profit.

Nutrient-poor soil is one of the leading causes of poor lettuce growth in standard, outdoor farms. Many insects that travel through the substrate also attack the leafy heads, making large holes through the delicate leaves. Many of these issues are easily avoidable in aquaponic systems, largely because the soil component is replaced with a pest-free media bed and nutrient-rich water.

3) Arugula (Eruca vesicaria)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (4)

Native to the Mediterranean

Known for its tart and peppery leaves, arugula is considered one of the most nutrient-rich edible greens. As a superfood, it is jampacked with vitamins, proteins, and dietary fiber. Its deeply-lobed leaves are its most important part, though its seed pods, seeds, and blooms are also safe to eat. The raw leaves are frequently added to salads and, more recently, used as a delectable pizza topping.

Arugula is a fantastic crop for aquaponic systems because it can grow faster in nutrient-rich water than in a standard soil-based medium. It is chiefly cultivated using two techniques: deep water culture (DWC) and the nutrient film technique (NFT). In the former, arugula grows remarkably fast and can produce harvest-sized leaves in just 4 weeks. The latter is better for growing smaller varieties, with roots that can comfortably fit into growing tubes.

This annual plant is well-loved by aquaponics enthusiasts because it is extremely profitable. It is more profitable than lettuce and other types of leafy greens. Unfortunately, the fish component of aquaponic farms that grow large amounts of arugula can seldom return an equally acceptable profit. For this reason, arugula is often also grown on its own in hydroponic setups.

4) Cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (5)

Originally cultivated in the Americas

This botanical variety of bite-sized tomatoes is one of the best fruit-bearing crops for aquaponic systems. As long as an adequate support structure is provided, their shoots can grow to a full height of about 6 feet (1.8 meters). Pollinated inflorescences eventually develop into this plant’s signature deep-red clusters of plump fruits. For the purposes of gaining the maximum bang for your buck, cherry tomatoes should be grown using a dutch bucket system.

In dutch bucket aquaponics, tomatoes are rooted in growth media. Water from the fish tank is introduced into the bucket via a U-shaped pipe or similar. It is continually drained back into the tank, where nutrients can be supplied once more.

Given ample nutrients and light exposure, tomatoes can grow twice as fast in an aquaponic system than in an outdoor farm, where they are rooted into soil. In as little as 4 weeks, well-established tomato plants can be mature enough to produce fruits. If you’re able to design a setup that maximizes your space and allows for a high production rate of cherry tomatoes, you’ll find that they are fairly profitable to grow.

5) Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (6)

Native to Central and Western Asia

Spinach is considered a superfood due to its vitamin-rich contents. Its ease of care and relatively moderate nutrient requirements make it one of the best crops for aquaponic systems. It is able to produce healthy foliage under a wide range of growth conditions, though mild temperatures are best for cultivating tasty leaves. Warmer conditions can lead to bolting, which results in bitter leaves.

Interestingly, the nutritional composition of spinach leaves can be indirectly influenced by the ingredients in fish feeds. Even their growth rate can be boosted by more trace elements in amino acids. Though fish feeds are rarely able to supply all of the necessary nutrients for optimized plant growth, they can hypothetically be supplemented with favorable trace minerals, particularly those which are also great for the health of fish.

Spinach can be sold as a fresh, canned, pureed, or frozen product, so it has a lot of potential as a mass-produced crop. Fresh spinach leaves, of course, tend to be the most highly-valued and consumable form of this plant. This means that premium quality leaves, grown organically in an aquaponic setup, can fetch a desirable price. What’s more, spinach doesn’t require too much space to grow as its roots are short and its shoot can be kept compact.

6) Kale (Brassica oleracea)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (7)

Native to the eastern Mediterranean

Over the last 2 decades, kale became vastly popular as a superfood all around the world. This tart and leafy vegetable is a hardy annual that can thrive in cool temperatures. In fact, its leaves become significantly sweeter after exposure to frosts. Due to its tolerance for the cold, it is ideal for aquaponic systems that are subject to ever-changing, temperate conditions.

Kale favors pH levels ranging from 6.5 – 7, which are compatible with the needs of many types of freshwater fish. The best leaf growth is observed in mild temperatures and under partial to filtered sun exposure. Kale leaves are very communicative when it comes to nutrient deficiencies, so growing them is a great way to grasp the general needs of leafy plants.

Unsurprisingly, kale is one of the most nutritious herbs among the popular types of leafy vegetables. Its trendiness, strong flavor, and unique texture have increased its market value. A bag of organic kale leaves can cost as much as $4.50, with some cultivars fetching an even heftier price.

7) Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (8)

Native to Europe and Asia

One of the first vegetables to ever be cultivated in an aquaponic system, watercress has a history that goes back millennia. Early Asian civilizations began to grow this plant in rafts that were placed in fish ponds. It is now increasingly incorporated into “polyponic” systems, which grow multiple species of plants, fish, and even macroalgae within a single setup.

As an aquatic plant, watercress has always been poised to be one of the best beginner-friendly species for aquaponics. The entire plant is well-adapted to growing in shallow water, with roots that have evolved to rapidly assimilate free-flowing nutrients. It can almost effortlessly be propagated with divisions. To maximize leaf and shoot production, it should be grown on floating rafts.

Watercress is not necessarily a pricey vegetable, especially throughout its native range. Its ease of care, low-maintenance needs, and capacity to thrive wholly on nutrients in fish waste make it remarkably cheap to grow. Moreover, healthy shoots can be harvested in as little as 6 – 8 weeks. Multiple crops can be produced in a single year.

8) Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (9)

Native to Asia, Europe, and North America

One of the easiest herbs to grow in water, chives take up relatively little space. As it is a perennial, it can be harvested periodically to provide a continuous supply of flavorful leaves. Cold-tolerant, it can be cultivated in indoor and outdoor aquaponic systems. It thrives when it is consistently provided with a steady stream of nutrient-rich water with pH levels of 6.1 – 6.8.

For the profitable cultivation of A. schoenoprasum, it should be situated in an area that naturally receives up to 12 hours of sun per day. This requirement can be difficult to meet in temperate zones, so full-spectrum LED lights may be necessary. Nonetheless, once the roots are well-established, new leaves can be produced at a rapid pace.

Unlike many of its closest relatives in the onion family, chives don’t produce underground bulbs; it’s their leaves that have market value. Ensuring they are produced to meet premium standards is thus more straightforward as the leaves can be directly examined throughout the growth period. When rooted into potted growth media on floating rafts, they can grow twice as quickly as plants grown in soil.

9) Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (10)

Native to Southwest Asia, northern Africa, and Europe

With a market value of around $8 for a pound of its fresh leaves, cilantro is a valuable herb with cultural importance. Its refreshing, citrus-like flavor adds complexity to the most ordinary dishes. Its flavor is a vital component of culinary staples throughout its native range (e.g. chutney and salsa). Sold in the form of fresh or dried leaves, it continues to be quite difficult to find in most supermarkets despite a global demand.

A rapid grower, cilantro thrives in nutrient-rich aquaponic systems. Plants that are raised from seedlings are dense enough to be harvested in just 4 – 6 weeks. This fast turnover rate, coupled with this species’ resistance to many pests, makes it a great choice for beginners wishing to diversify their system. Moreover, this species is suitable for growth in relatively low-cost aquaponic systems, such as nutrient film technique (NFT) and deep-water culture (DWC).

10) Ginseng (Panax spp.)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (11)

Native to East Asia, Russia, and North America

Ginseng is neither fast-growing nor beginner-friendly, but it can be extremely profitable when sold to the right consumers. Cultivated for the phytochemical properties of its roots, it is considered a dietary herb with many potential applications in alternative medicine. Note, however, that it isn’t generally accepted as a clinically-safe drug.

Despite warnings from the FDA about false claims in ginseng-based medical products, this plant is principally cultivated to meet East Asian demand. A single wild ginseng root may be valued at $17,000! Those that are cultivated on farms are much cheaper, yet they still fetch hefty prices that lead to an impressive profit.

Of course, a crop with such a high market value requires patience and skill to grow. When grown from seed, ginseng roots can take as much as 6 years to reach marketable size. They don’t require too much space to thrive, but they’ll need shade and good air circulation to survive in an aquaponic system.

11) Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (12)

Commercial hybrid developed in France

One of the most amazing things about the garden strawberry is its capacity to produce heavy and succulent fruits in spite of its delicate features and petite size. A mature, healthy plant can yield several crops of fruits throughout a single season. These are chiefly cultivated through ‘plasticulture’, which involves the use of plastic mulch to separate individual plants. Plasticulture is now heavily legislated due to the impacts of plastic waste.

Aquaponics is thus an eco-friendly alternative to growing strawberries. The fruits also tend to develop faster, becoming juicier and taster, in well-maintained systems. A major drawback, of course, is this plant does require a lot of hands-on experience for successful cultivation. Moreover, it can take two to five years to begin to produce an acceptable yield.

Nevertheless, the aquaponic cultivation of strawberries can be very profitable when the system is designed to maximize the available resources. As strawberry plants don’t take up much space, they can even be grown in a vertical setup with multiple rows (i.e. a multi-layer NFT system) of bare-root individuals.

12) Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (13)

Native to Europe

Known for its heavy heads and crunchy foliage, cabbage is one of the easiest and most profitable crops to grow in an aquaponic system. As long as its leaves get exposed to at least 6 hours of direct sun per day, it doesn’t require much in terms of supplementary nutrients and general maintenance. There are varieties that are suited to mild and cool temperatures, with some that can be harvested in as little as 80 – 100 days.

For cabbage cultivation to make an annual profit, it would be best to have an extensive system that can easily accommodate the large growth heads of harvest-size plants. The system should be sturdy enough to support the weight of the heads as well.

It’s best to look into the basic requirements and growth rate of each variety; some can become remarkably huge but may take more than half a year to reach full size. Of course, growing each plant to its maximum width may not always be the best means to earn a profit. An earlier harvest can allow for the cultivation of more plants within a limited space and a shorter time frame.

12 Most Profitable Aquaponic Crops 2022 [Updated] (2024)
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