12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (2024)

A diabetes diet can be difficult to navigate. Here’s a list of foods to steer clear of to help improve your blood sugar.

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (3)

Knowing which foods to put in your shopping cart — and which ones to pass up — is key when it comes to managing type 2 diabetes.

What’s on your plate? It’s an important question. One of the most essential steps to avoiding complications from type 2 diabetes is managing your diet, says William Sullivan, MD, a senior physician at Joslin Diabetes Center and an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

This means knowing both what to eat and what not to eat. To keep your blood sugar in check, you’ll want to avoid less-healthy foods, such as foods or drinks with added fats, sugars, and sodium, according to the Mayo Clinic. At the same time, you’ll want to choose heart-healthy fish; “good” fats like nuts, avocados, and olive oil; and healthy sources of carbohydrates, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, legumes like beans and peas, and lowfat or fat-free dairy products.

RELATED: Everything You Should Know About Fats and Heart Health

Type 2 diabetesincreases your risk ofheart diseaseandstroke, so avoiding saturated fats is key.

According to the Mayo Clinic, foods that contain saturated fat include:

  • Meat
  • Whole-fat dairy products (butter, cheese)
  • Coconut oil
  • Egg yolks
  • Baked goods
  • Fried foods

A healthy diet is even more critical if you’re overweight. “Weight loss has a dramatic effect on controlling diabetes,” says Dr. Sullivan. Losing just 10 to 15 pounds may help you prevent and manage high blood sugar, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). In fact, losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight has also been shown to help some people reduce the amount of diabetes medication they need, according to research.

Here are 12 foods that you should specifically avoid — or at least limit — to help manage type 2 diabetes.


Skip Regular Soda and Sip Sparkling Water Instead

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (4)

If you have diabetes, you’re allotted approximately 30 to 45 grams (g) of total carbs per meal if you’re a woman and 45 to 60 g per meal if you’re a man, says Amy Kimberlain, RDN, a certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCES) and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who is based in Miami.

If you down a 12-ounce (oz) can ofsodawith your lunch, you’ve already used up 39 g of your carbohydrates for the day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) — the equivalent of more than 9 teaspoons (tsp) of sugar. All that sugar not only makes yourblood sugarharder to control, but it can also tax your heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and immune system, says Bobbie Randall, RD, CDCES, who practices in Wooster, Ohio. Instead of soft drinks, she recommends sparkling water with a refreshing slice of lemon, lime, or cucumber.


Smoothies Aren’t Always as Healthy as They Seem

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (5)

Sodas are a no-brainer, but other drinks that contain loads of sugar aren’t as easy to spot. Take fruitsmoothies: They sound nutritious, but they can pack a sugary carb punch, especially if they’re oversized and made with sweetened fruit, sugar syrup, and sweetened yogurt. Nutrition stats on fruit smoothies vary widely, so always check the label on yours (if bottled), or request this information (if you’re ordering from a restaurant or quick-service spot). In general, a 12-oz fruit smoothie has 52 g of carbs, including 44 g of sugar, per the USDA. It’s possible to make a smoothie at home that’s diabetes-friendly, as long as you plan out the ingredients wisely. As an alternative, Randall recommends sipping sugar-free flavored waters or eating fruit whole to get its beneficialfiber while keeping carbohydrates in check.

RELATED: What Are the Best Fruits for People With Type 2 Diabetes?


Cut Back on Sugar-Bomb Coffee Drinks

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (6)

Other unhealthy beverages, such ascoffee drinks, are seemingly ubiquitous. For example, one popularmedium frozen coffee drink packs a whopping 54 g of carbs, the majority of which come from the drink’s 51 g of sugar. So before you place your next to-go order, see if the item’s nutritional information is listed on the menu so you can choose smarter.

You shouldn’t have to ditchcoffeecompletely — try enhancing a regular coffee with sugar-free hazelnut syrup, some vanilla extract, or a dash of cinnamon. If you crave a little richness, Randall recommends using a few drops of half-and-half.


Avoid Fried Foods Like French Fries and Chicken Nuggets

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (7)

Fried foods are usually breaded, which can add up to lots of carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, andcalories, says Kimberlain. Too much fat in your diet can lead toweight gain, she adds, which can worsen type 2 diabetes. Weight gain also increases your risk of heart disease, a risk that’s already elevated when you have diabetes,according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Rather than eating breaded and fried favorites like chicken nuggets, shrimp, okra, and onion rings, Randall suggests roasting or baking these foods without the breadcrumbs. Try a coating of fresh herbs or spices. If you must have breading, coat the foods with whole-grain crumbs, and bake them instead of frying — “that’s a happy medium,” she says.

RELATED:5 ‘Bad’ Diabetes Foods You Can Enjoy in Moderation


Favor Lean Proteins Over Fatty Cuts of Meat

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (8)

Many cuts of redmeatare high in unhealthy saturated fat, says Kimberlain. Too much of this type of fat increases your risk for heart disease, the AHA notes. Because people with diabetes are already at higher risk for heart disease compared with those without diabetes,Randall recommends limiting fatty cuts of meat in favor of foods that supplyhealthy fats, such as fish,nuts, andavocado, as well as lean proteins like skinless chicken and tofu. Fatty meats include poultry with skin, ground meat with a high fat percentage, prime cuts of beef, and processed meats like sausage and bacon, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Pass on Unhealthy Packaged or Processed Sweets

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (9)

Packaged snacks and baked goods like cookies, doughnuts, and snack cakes typically contain refined carbs that cause a sharp spike in your blood sugar and can lead to weight gain when eaten in excess, says Kimberlain. They also may still contain unhealthy trans fats, which can further raise your risk of heart disease, she adds. (Trans fats have been phased out as an ingredient because they are so dangerous to health, but as this change takes effect, some foods may still be made with these partially hydrogenated oils, notes theMayo Clinic.) Randall recommends limiting your consumption ofhigh-carb, white-flour,and sugar-sweetened treats (once in a while is okay) and choosingwhole-grainversions whenever possible.

RELATED: 8 Healthy Carbs for People With Type 2 Diabetes


Give the Heave-Ho to Heavily Salted Processed Foods

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (10)

Because salt works wonders as a preservative, mostpackaged and processed foodscontain plenty of it, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out. You may love the taste, but the sodium in salt is an electrolyte that can increaseblood pressure, and people with diabetes are already more likely to have high blood pressure, another risk factor for heart disease,according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Hot dogs and boxed macaroni and cheese are prime examples of high-salt foods that will have your heart working overtime if you eat them regularly, says Randall. When you must choose packaged foods for convenience, look for low-sodium or no-salt-added versions, suggests the AHA.


Take Biscuits and Sausage Gravy Off Your Menu

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (11)

Randall singles out this traditional Southern mealas an example of a combination that people who have diabetes should avoid. The biscuits usually are made with white flour, and the sausage gravy is high in fat, calories, and sodium. According to the USDA, a single biscuit with gravy has 493 calories, 32 g of fat (14 g of which is saturated), and 37.4 g of carbs. As an alternative, Randall recommends eggs, whichever way you like them, and a whole-grain English muffin.

RELATED: 10 Foods You Should Absolutely Avoid When You Have Diabetes


Eat High-Fiber Fruit Instead of Drinking Juice

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (12)

It may seem that 100-percent fruit juice is a healthy choice because it contains no added sugar, but a mere ½-cup (equivalent to 4-oz) serving contains 16 g of carbs and about 64 calories, per the USDA. Beyond that, the body metabolizes 100-percent fruit juice in the same way it processes soda, leading to a quick increase in blood sugar levels. Either way, the result is a higher risk for weight gain and heart disease, notes one study.

Therefore, fruit juice isn’t ideal for people with type 2 diabetes, saysLynn Grieger, RDN, CDCES, a health, food, and fitness coach in Prescott, Arizona, and a medical reviewer for Everyday Health.

Other fruit drinks can contain added sugar and even more carbohydrates. Keep in mind that no matter what, it’s easy to drink more than ½ cup of juice, which means the carbohydrates and calories increase as well.

If you simply can’t give up fruit juice, limit your serving size to 4 oz per day, says Grieger. A better choice still is to eat a piece of fresh fruit, which contains valuable fiber that is lacking in juice, and drink water, she advises.


Choose Granola, Energy, and Protein Bars Carefully

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (13)

Granola, energy, orprotein barsseem like a healthy option, but read the list of ingredients and nutrition facts, and you’ll be surprised at the added sugars and artificial ingredients present in mostbars, says Grieger. Look for bars that contain the least amount of added sugar possible and several whole-food ingredients, such asoats, nuts, or dried fruit, and avoid bars with long, unpronounceable chemical ingredients, she says. Finally, always check the nutrition facts for calories and grams of carbohydrates so you can accurately determine how to fit a bar into your daily food choices, she says.


Stay Away From Sweetened Yogurt and Go Greek

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (14)

Yogurt is often synonymous with “healthy,” but buyer beware, warns Grieger. Unless labeled “plain,” yogurt contains added sugar. In order to best manage blood sugar, you’ll want to limit added sugar in your diet, says the ADA. The very best yogurt option is plainGreek yogurt, she says. For people with type 2 diabetes who are looking to lose weight, nonfat is a great choice — according to the USDA, a typical, 150-g container contains just 5.7 g carbs (and a whopping 16 g protein, 0.265 g of fat, and 5.1 g of naturally occurring sugar). The same serving size of flavored Greek yogurt, on the other hand, contains 18.3 g carbs, 0.2 g fat, and 17.2 g of sugar.

Any yogurt that contains sprinkles, granola, or candies is going to contain even more carbohydrates and fat, not to mention added sugar, Grieger adds.


Opt for Plain Oatmeal Over Sweetened Cereals

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (15)

Hot breakfast cerealis usually made from whole-grains such as wheat (porridge) or oats (oatmeal), which naturally contain carbohydrates, explains Grieger. Sprinkling any kind of sugar (brown included) on top increases carbohydrates dramatically.

To enjoy a truly healthy oatmeal, choose plain steel-cut or old-fashioned oatmeal and add your own fruit and a bit ofcinnamonfor sweetness, she suggests.

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I'm well-versed in the nuances of managing type 2 diabetes through dietary measures, and the article you provided encapsulates key dietary strategies and cautionary guidelines for individuals dealing with this condition. Let's break it down:

  1. Sodas and Sugary Drinks: These are heavily laden with sugar, rapidly impacting blood sugar levels. Opting for sparkling water with a hint of natural flavor is a smarter choice.

  2. Smoothies: Despite the healthy façade, certain smoothies can contain excessive sugars from sweetened fruits and syrups. Careful selection or homemade options with low-sugar fruits are advised.

  3. Coffee Drinks: Some coffee concoctions pack a sugary punch. Choosing options with less sugar or substituting with natural flavors is a better alternative.

  4. Fried Foods: The breading on fried foods adds unhealthy fats and excess calories. Baking or roasting without heavy breading can be a healthier preparation method.

  5. Fatty Meats: Red meats with high saturated fats should be limited in favor of lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu, and healthier fats found in nuts and avocados.

  6. Packaged Sweets: These contain refined carbs that spike blood sugar. Opting for whole-grain versions and moderating consumption is advised.

  7. High-Salt Processed Foods: These contribute to increased blood pressure. Choosing low-sodium alternatives can help manage this risk.

  8. Biscuits and Gravy: High in calories, fats, and carbs, these classic Southern dishes are better swapped for healthier protein sources and whole-grain options.

  9. Fruit Juices: Despite being natural, they lack fiber and spike blood sugar. Opting for whole fruits is a wiser choice.

  10. Granola Bars and Yogurt: Many of these seemingly healthy options contain hidden sugars and artificial ingredients. Choosing Greek yogurt and low-sugar, whole-food bars is a better alternative.

  11. Sweetened Cereals: Adding sugar to already carb-rich cereals elevates the carbohydrate content significantly. Opting for plain oatmeal with natural sweeteners is a healthier choice.

Managing type 2 diabetes involves careful monitoring of carbohydrates, sugars, and fats in the diet, emphasizing whole foods, and minimizing processed and high-sugar items. Additionally, weight management plays a significant role in controlling diabetes, with modest weight loss demonstrating positive effects on blood sugar levels.

The recommendations align with established medical guidelines from reputable sources like the Mayo Clinic, American Diabetes Association, and CDC, emphasizing the importance of dietary modifications for individuals with type 2 diabetes to mitigate complications and improve overall health.

12 Foods to Avoid if You Have Type 2 Diabetes (2024)
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