11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (2024)

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11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (2)11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (3)11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (4)

ByLianna Roth Hursh, Lisa Marie Conklin and Charlotte Hilton Andersen, MS

Medically reviewed by Michael Spertus, MD

Updated: Oct. 12, 2023

    Most of us could stand to drink more water—but among those with the best hydration discipline, there can be too much of a good thing.

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (5)

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    How is it possible to drink too much water?

    Health authorities have educated us that drinking enough water is absolutely vital for our bodies to function properly. And it is—unless you drink too much of it. Though most people look out for the signs of dehydration, experts say overhydration can be equally as dangerous.

    Drinking too much water generally results in nothing worse than a frequent flier pass to the restroom—but under certain circ*mstances, it can cause extreme illness and even death, says Austin DeRosa, MD, urologist with UCHealth Cancer Center in Highlands Ranch, Colorado and chair of robotic surgery at the University of Colorado Medicine.Hyponatremia, sometimes called “water intoxication,” causes abnormally low levels of sodium and other electrolytes in your bloodstream, which then can lead to serious health problems such as seizures, coma, and, in rare cases, is fatal, he explains.

    Here, doctors share with The Healthy@Reader’s Digesthow in severe cases, water intoxication can lead to serious health problems including seizures, coma, and, in rare cases, even death. “The idea that you should only drink water and that you can’t drink too much of it is one of the most common health myths I hear from my patients,” says Jennifer Caudle, MD, board-certified family medicine physician and associate professor at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine in New Jersey. “This is a very dangerous myth because you absolutely can drink too much water, and it can have serious consequences.”

    The good news is, there can be plenty of signs that suggest you may be among the overzealous sipping set. If so, it’s likely you believe you’re just taking great care of yourself, and that’s definitely a solid goal…but, by chance, are you drinking too much water?

    Read up on the signs of overhydration from recognized clinical leaders. Also, check out another popular probe:Is It Bad to Drink Water That’s Been Sitting Overnight—Or Longer?

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (6)

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    You never leave the house without a water bottle and constantly have one in hand

    If you carry around your water bottle all day and immediately refill it when it depletes, you may be drinking too much water. Constantly adding water to your body can result in low sodium levels in your blood, which, according to the Mayo Clinic,can cause the cells of your body to swell.

    This can become particularly dangerous when your brain starts to swell, according to Tamara Hew-Butler, PhD, an exercise science professor at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. “Your brain can only swell about eight to 10 percent before it reaches the skull and it pushes your brain stem out,” says Hew-Butler. Clearly a concerning condition, with more information about it next.

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (7)

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    You have throbbing headaches throughout the day

    Headaches can be a sign of either overhydration or dehydration. When you drink too much water, the salt concentration in your blood reduces, causing the cells in the organs throughout your body to swell.

    Yet again, this can cause an effect on the brain. When your salt concentration is low, your cells grow. Think of it like this: When you drink too much water, your brain actually grows in size and presses against the skull. This added pressure can cause a throbbing headache and more serious health problems, such as brain impairment and trouble breathing.

    (Also consider exploringDo Wireless Earbuds Harm Your Brain? A Brain Cancer Doctor Sounds Off.)

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (8)

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    You lose the urge to urinate

    Controlling urination is a learned skill and is why we “potty train” children at a young age. However, if you constantly overfill your bladder from drinking too much or hold in your urine for too long, you can “untrain” that skill, says Dr. DeRosa. This can make it hard for you to feel when you need to pee or can make you feel like you have to go even when you don’t.

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (9)

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    You drink water even when you’re not thirsty

    The best way to know if your body really needs more water is to be consciously aware of whether you actually feela sense of thirst. “Our bodies are so programmed to fight against dehydration because we’ve always been living in fear of scarcity or not having enough,” Hew-Butler says, “so we have all of these built-in mechanisms to protect us against that.Thirst is every body’s individual monitor that lets them know if they need more.”

    In response, Dr. Caudle suggests it’s importantto learn to become more mindful of your body’s cues—including hunger, fatigue, and thirst.

    On the other hand, here are unexpected reasons you might always feel thirsty.

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (10)

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    Your urine looks like water

    If you’re drinking a healthy amount of water, the color of your urine should be straw-colored to transparent yellow. It’s a myth that clear urine is the healthiest sign of hydration—in fact, says Dr. Caudle, having colorless urine is a clear sign that you’re drinking too much water.

    The old rule of thumb is to drink eight to 10 cups of water per day. However, says Dr. Caudle, how much water you need really depends on your height, weight, age, activity, health status, and the weather. Again, the key is to learn to recognize what thirst feels like to your body.

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (11)

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    You urinate frequently, including during the night

    Using the clinical term for urinating, Dr. DeRosa says, “On average, a person will void between six and 10 times daily, so if you find yourself urinating more than 10 times a day, you may be drinking more water than your body needs.” Waking up more than once during the night to urinate is another red flag over overhydration, he adds.

    There are lots of other potential causes of frequent urination, including an overactive bladder or too much caffeine. So, if your water intake falls within a normal range but you’re still peeing every hour, it’s time to talk to your doc. (Frequent urination could be an indicator of diabetes insipidus, too.)

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (12)

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    You experience leakage

    The average bladder can hold 20 to 30 ounces of liquid before needing to release it—but, says Dr. DeRosa, just because you can stretch your bladder to the size of a grapefruit doesn’t mean that you should.

    Many people who overhydrate will try to “hold it” longer, which in turn can lead to bladder leakage. (If you have to pee more often than every two hours, or wake more than once to urinate at night, you may have an overactive bladder.)

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (13)

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    You vomit or experience diarrhea or nausea

    The symptoms of overhydration look a lot like those of dehydration, Hew-Butler explains. When you drink too much water, your kidneys reach a point where they’re unable to get rid of the excess liquid. That leads to water collecting in your body.

    This can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, often including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea(for which we’ve got a few home remedies).

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (14)

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    You notice swelling or discoloration in your hands, lips, and feet

    In many cases of hyponatremia, people will experience noticeable swelling or discoloration in their hands, lips, and feet, says Dr. Caudle. When all of the cells throughout your body swell, your skin will start to visibly swell as well. (Even in less severe cases, drinking water can lead to looking swollen or bloated.)

    People who drink too much water might gain weight suddenly due to swelling and excess water in the bloodstream. If you’re drinking more than 10 cups of water each day and notice swelling or discoloration in your hands, lips, and feet, consider cutting back on your water intake and see if your symptoms subside.

    Also, did you know there are actually benefits to plain, hot water?

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (15)

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    Your muscles feel weak and tend to cramp easily

    Having a healthy, fully functioning body is all about balance. When you drink too much water, your electrolyte levels drop and that balance is compromised. Low electrolyte levels can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, including muscle spasms and cramping.

    You can prevent muscle problems by replacing a couple glasses of water a day with coconut water, which is full of electrolytes and 100 percent natural, or an electrolyte drink—our list has several that nutritionists recommend.

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (16)

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    You feel tired or fatigued

    Your kidneys are responsible for filtering the water you drink through your body and making sure the fluid levels in your bloodstream stay balanced. When you drink too much water, your kidneys have to work even harder, creating a stressful reaction from your hormones that leaves your body stressed and fatigued. If you’re constantly drinking water and find yourself struggling to get out of bed, it may be because you’ve added unneeded stress to your kidneys.

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    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (17)Medically reviewed by Michael Spertus, MD, on September 19, 2019

    Originally Published: January 28, 2022


    Lisa Marie Conklin

    Lisa Marie Conklin is a Baltimore-based writer and writes regularly about health, pets, and home improvement for The Healthy and Reader's Digest. Her work has also been published in HealthiNation, The Family Handyman, Taste of Home, and Realtor.com, among others.

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    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (18)


    Charlotte Hilton Andersen, MS

    Charlotte is an award-winning health and wellness journalist with nearly two decades of experience. In addition to her many journalism bylines, she’s authored two books, ghost-authored two more, is a freelance editor, and co-hosted a popular wellness podcast—all while raising six kids. Charlotte has also worked as a personal trainer and fitness...

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    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (19)

    Medical Reviewer

    Michael Spertus, MD

    A Floridian at heart, Michael Spertus, MD grew up in Daytona Beach, FL. He ventured north to complete his undergraduate studies at Brown University, obtaining a Sc.B. Degree with Honors in Human Biology as well as graduating Magna Cum Laude, the university’s highest academic distinction. Dr. Spertus returned to Florida to study at the University ...

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    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (20)

    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors (2024)


    11 Potential Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water, from Doctors? ›

    When you drink too much water, your kidneys can't get rid of the excess water. The sodium content of your blood becomes diluted. This is called hyponatremia and it can be life-threatening.

    What is the medical drinking too much water? ›

    When you drink too much water, your kidneys can't get rid of the excess water. The sodium content of your blood becomes diluted. This is called hyponatremia and it can be life-threatening.

    How do doctors test for overhydration? ›

    Diagnosis of Overhydration

    Doctors try to distinguish between overhydration (too much water) and increased blood volume by examining the person for weight gain and signs of edema and doing blood and urine tests to check the concentrations of electrolytes.

    What are signs you drank too much water? ›

    It is difficult to drink too much water by accident, but it can happen, usually as a result of overhydrating during sporting events or intense training. The symptoms of water intoxication can be vague , or unspecific— they can include confusion, disorientation, nausea, and vomiting.

    What does it mean when the doctor tells you to drink more water? ›

    Being sick also can lead to insensible fluid loss, such as sweating from fever or blowing your nose, Rosner says, while vomiting or diarrhea can exacerbate fluid loss. So, drinking more fluids helps replenish these losses.

    Which organ is most affected by drinking too much water? ›

    Drinking too many fluids can cause water toxicity by diluting your body's sodium and other electrolytes, which may cause your cells to swell, including the cells in your brain. This is a life threatening condition. If left untreated, it may cause permanent brain damage and death.

    Is 2 gallons of water a day too much? ›

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO DRINK TOO MUCH WATER? The answer is yes, but it would take far more than a gallon per day to do you harm. Hyponatremia, or water intoxication, can result if you consume enough water to the point that you begin to dilute the level of sodium in your blood.

    How does overhydration feel? ›

    The symptoms of overhydration can look like those of dehydration. When you have too much water in the body, the kidneys can't remove the excess liquid. It starts collecting in the body, leading to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Throbbing headaches all through the day.

    How many glasses of water is overhydration? ›

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises people not to drink more than 48 ounces, or six cups, per hour. Too much water or other fluids, such as sports drinks, can cause a medical emergency because the concentration of salt in the blood becomes too low.

    How do I check my hydration level? ›

    Examining your urine is an easy method of dehydration testing. As a rule of thumb, the lighter and clearer your urine is, like the lighter, leftmost circle in the poster below, the more hydrated you are.

    What I noticed when I drank more water? ›

    People who had just 2 or 3 more cups of water a day seem to have less fat, sugar, salt, and overall calories through the day. That means proper hydration could help you lose weight. Extra water can replace empty, sugary calories many people drink with meals.

    How do you know if you have excess water? ›

    Symptoms of fluid retention

    swelling of affected body parts (feet, ankles and hands are commonly affected) aching of affected body parts. stiff joints. rapid weight gain over a few days or weeks.

    Does chugging water hydrate you? ›

    We grab a bottle of water and guzzle it down, often in one go, to satisfy that thirst. But that's not really the best way to hydrate, says Lindsay Baker, PhD, a senior principal scientist at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. “In general, it's best to sip a little bit throughout the day,” Baker says.

    When not to drink water? ›

    Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.

    How much water do doctors recommend you drink a day? ›

    For men, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends a total of 13 cups (about 3 liters) of fluid each day. For women, they suggest 9 cups (a little over 2 liters) of fluid each day. Pregnant women should drink about 10 cups of water daily. Those who breastfeed need about 12 cups.

    What are signs you need to drink more water? ›

    What are the signs and symptoms of dehydration?
    • pain when urinating (UTIs)
    • dry mouth, lips or eyes.
    • thirst.
    • dizziness.
    • headaches.
    • tiredness.
    • lack of concentration.

    What is the medical term for when you consume too much water? ›

    One consequence of drinking too much water, which is sometimes called water intoxication, is hyponatremia. This condition occurs when the blood's sodium level drops below 135 milliequivalents (mEg) per liter (L), per the Mayo Clinic.

    What is the medical term for excessive drinking water? ›

    6 min read. Polydipsia is the medical term for excessive thirst or compulsive water drinking. Drinking enormous amounts of water is a sign of polydipsia. (

    What disease requires you to drink a lot of water? ›

    Diabetes insipidus (DI), also called water diabetes, is a condition marked by increased thirst and urination. It is not to be confused with the more common type of diabetes, diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes).

    What condition is excessive water drinking? ›

    Thirst is normally just the brain's way of warning that you're dehydrated because you're not drinking enough fluid. But excessive and persistent thirst (known as polydipsia) could be a sign of an underlying problem such as diabetes.

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