100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (2024)

100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (1)

June 14, 2022 by Aimee Hansen Spanish Vocabulary 0 comments

If you learn just 100 easy Spanish words, you will have learned far more of the Spanish language than you might think!

Why? We repeat ourselves. We use certain words more frequently and more commonly in how we express in any language. This includes Spanish, where these easy Spanish words are often repeated.

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The First Steps in Learning Spanish Take You Farthest

Once you know 1,000 words in Spanish, you will recognize 88% of spoken conversation. Beyond that, increasing vocabulary brings a diminishing return on recognition of additional words.

Save for later: 1,000 Most Common Spanish Words

In other words, your first learning of easy Spanish words will technically gain you more understanding of the language than the incremental learning you do once you’re already an established beginner. On any journey, the beginning steps often matter the most.

For example, you can go a long way just by learning the basics of greetings, numbers, and a few Spanish grammar basics so you can differentiate your nouns from your verbs.

100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (2)

Easy Spanish Words for ‘True Beginners’: What’s True?

Sometimes you want to express or caveat that you don’t really know the language even if you know some easy Spanish words, so you claim “beginner” status until you feel you have enough Spanish chops. It’s true, you are a beginner.

But in official language learning speak, you’re a “false beginner” if you’ve actually absorbed or studied some Spanish at some point in your life, even if you feel rusty enough to want to review it all again.

You don’t feel comfortable claiming to know or speak Spanish—yet, it is still familiar to you. Sure, you’re a beginner.

But this list of 100 easy Spanish words is for “true beginners” — literally, you have never really been exposed to the language in your life. If you’ve never studied Spanish, you are a true beginner, and this list is for you!

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Spanish Pronunciation Basics

Before we go into easy Spanish words, keep in mind these Spanish pronunciation basics.

Nothing will make more of a difference in whether you are understood by others then how you pronounce your Spanish! If you study strictly from written material without speaking and listening, you may have a greater knowledge of the language, but you’ll wonder why you can’t be understood when speaking.

I’m talking from experience here, as it was at first more comfortable for me to study written material by myself on bus rides while traveling through South America than brave conversation.

But when it came to saying tiburón (shark) while traveling in Peru, I was exasperated at why nobody knew what I was saying, after repeating it several times. You’ll see why below.

Before we get into easy Spanish words, these pronunciation basics will get you started.

Vowels: Only 5 Vowel Sounds in Spanish!

In English, we have a habit of using a sharp vowel or a clear vowel with no clear rule why at times, just because we know how the word sounds.

For example, a in “game” is sharp, while a in “cat” is flat.

Similarly, e in “we” is sharp, while e in “bed” is flat. They are totally different sounds, with no clear rule as to why one we say one sharp and the other flat in these cases.

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In Spanish, five vowel sounds exist that are always the exact same sound, every single time you see them by themselves. They sound like this.

Spanish VowelPronunciation

To make it even clearer with a comparison to English:

  • a sounds like a relaxed exhale or sigh in English
  • e sounds like how you say the English letter “a”
  • i sounds like how you say the English letter “e”
  • o has the sound of “owl” or “down” in English, not “pot” or “dot”
  • u has the sound of “moo” or “coo” in English, not “cue” or “you”

So, you see I was pronouncing tiburón as “ty-boo-ron” when I needed to be saying “tee-bur-ohn” to be understood.

Beyond these vowel sounds, you will see multiple vowels together in Spanish (ai, ue, ia), as in English. (Study how to pronounce these diphthongs and hiatuses.)

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Tricky Spanish Consonants to Note!

In Spanish, these consonants stand out as being pronounced differently from how we say them in English, also depending on where they appear in a word and with what vowels.

Spanish Consonant Sounds
b & vb like “beach” – at beginning of word
v like “live” – in middle of word
ck like “key” – if before a, o, u
s like “sit” – if before e or i
chch like “church”
dd like “diet” – at beginning of word
softer “th” – middle of word
gg like “go” – if before a, o, u
h like “him” – if before i, e
hsilent, not pronounced
jh like “him”
ñny like “canyon”
rrrrr like “grrrrr”
zs like “simple”

You’ll notice that b and v sound the same in the middle of a word in Spanish.

Also, note that ñ is specific to the Spanish alphabet, and the ch, ll, and rr are double consonants in Spanish that have a different pronunciation than when they appear as singular.

The rolling sound of rr will take a little practice. Place the tip of your tongue at the top of your mouth behind your front two teeth and vibrate it, like a boat motor, creating a tickle feeling. It sounds crazy and may look strange in the line for groceries, but it’s exactly the effect you’re going for.

Knowing these basics, let it come in stride as you learn these easy Spanish words. With time, you can go deeper into pronouncing tricky consonants and the Spanish alphabet.

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Let’s Get Into 100 Easy Spanish Words!

13 Very Common Spanish Words

You will use these basic Spanish words on a daily basis.

Note that, unlike English, nouns always have a gender in Spanish.

The Spanish versions of “a” and “the” vary based on the gender of a noun and whether you are referring to singular or plural object(s) or subject(s).

  • Hola – hello
  • Adiós – goodbye
  • Por favor – please
  • Gracias – thank you
  • Lo siento – sorry
  • Salud – bless you (after someone sneezes)
  • Sí – yes
  • No – no
  • Quizás – maybe
  • El, los – the (masculine version – singular, plural)
  • La, las – the (feminine version – singular, plural)
  • Un, una – an (masculine version, feminine version)
  • Unos, unas – some (masculine plural, feminine plural)

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8 One-Word Questions to Ask in Spanish

You will want to clarify with questions. As in English, you can often ask a question with just one of these easy Spanish words.

  • ¿Quién? – Who?
  • ¿Qué? – What?
  • ¿Por qué? – Why?
  • ¿Cuándo? – When?
  • ¿Dónde? – Where?
  • ¿Cómo? – How?
  • ¿Cuánto(s), Cuánta(s)? – How much (how many, plural)?
  • ¿Cuál? – Which?
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15 Personal Spanish Pronouns

You’ll want to specify who is personally doing the action (who is speaking?), who is the action being directed towards (who to?), and what things belongs to who (whose words?).

When you refer to “your foot,” you would use a singular tu pie. When you refer to “your feet,” you would use the plural, tus pies. Where appropriate, masculine and feminine pronouns apply.

  • Yo – I
  • Él /ella – he/she
  • Ellos, ellas – they
  • Nosotros – we
  • – you (informal)
  • Usted – you (formal)
  • Me – (to) me
  • Te – (to) you
  • Le – (to) him, her, you
  • Les – (to) them
  • Nos – (to) us, ourselves
  • Mi(s) – my
  • Tu(s) – your
  • Su(s) – her, his, yours (formal)
  • Nuestro(s), nuestra(s) – our(s)

7 Basic Spanish Pronouns

When a specific person is not the focus of a sentence, you will still want to be specific about what or who is with these easy Spanish words.

  • Lo, ello – it
  • Este, esto, esta – this, this one
  • Ese, eso, esa – that, that one
  • Algo – something
  • Nada – nothing
  • Alguien – somebody
  • Nadie – nobody
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6 Spanish Words of Basic Orientation

You can convey the basic orientation of time and space with these easy Spanish words.

  • Antes – before
  • Después – after
  • Lejos – far
  • Cerca – near
  • Aquí – here
  • Allí – there

14 Spanish Nouns Related to Time

You can say when something happened, is happening or will happen with these easy Spanish words that reflect time.

  • Tiempo – time
  • Vez, veces – one time, times
  • Hoy – today
  • Mañana – tomorrow, also morning
  • Ayer – yesterday
  • Tarde(s) – afternoon
  • Noche(s) – evening
  • Anoche – last night
  • Hora – hour
  • Año – year
  • Semana – week
  • Mes – month
  • Día – day
  • Ahora – now

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13 Spanish Conjunctions

You will connect corresponding words and thoughts with these common conjunctions—the shortest of all easy Spanish words in some cases (just a single letter!)

  • Que – that, who, which, than
  • Y – and
  • O – or
  • Como – as, like
  • Pero – but, except
  • Si – if, whether
  • Porque – because
  • Cuando – when
  • Ni – nor, neither
  • Donde – where
  • Aunque – although, even though
  • Sino – but, except
  • Mientras – while

10 Spanish Nouns For People

You can get more specific about who you are talking about in relation to yourself and others with these easy Spanish words for people.

  • Hombre – man
  • Mujer – woman
  • Chico, chica – boy, girl
  • Madre (mamá) – mother(mom)
  • Padre (papá) – father (dad)
  • Hijo, hija – son, daughter
  • Amigo/a – friend
  • Pareja – partner, couple
  • Persona – person
  • Familia – family
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14 Basic Spanish Prepositions

You can indicate a relationship between words or phrases with these common Spanish prepositions—most often indicating relationships of direction, time, or location.

  • En – in, on, or at
  • Por – through, for (as a mean), along, or by
  • Para – in order to, for (as an end)
  • Con – with
  • Sin – without
  • Sobre– about, above, on top of, over
  • Entre – between, among
  • Hasta – until
  • Desde – from, since
  • Durante – during, for (time)
  • Contra – against
  • Hacia – toward
  • De – or or from
  • A – to or at

Keep learning: Spanish Prepositions of Time, Place, and More

What About Easy Spanish Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs?

You’re right! 100 easy Spanish words is not enough!

We’ve just begun, but to get you started with even more tools in your easy Spanish words toolbox, here’s another 50 words!

16 Basic Spanish Adverbs

Like in English, you can use these common Spanish adverbs to modify or describe adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs.

  • Más – more
  • Ya – already, now, soon
  • Muy – very
  • También – also, too
  • Así – so, like this, like that
  • Bien – well
  • Solo (solamente) – only
  • Ahora – now
  • Siempre – always
  • Tan – so
  • Entonces – then
  • Menos – less
  • Luego – then, later
  • Además – besides, in addition
  • Casi – almost
  • Nunca – never
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16 Basic Spanish Adjectives

As in English, you can use these simple easy Spanish words to describe nouns, the people, places and things around you.

  • Otro/a, otros/as – other, another
  • Todo/a, todos/as – whole, all or every
  • Cada – each or every
  • Mismo – same
  • Gran – large or great, put before a noun
  • Más – more
  • Poco – little, few or not a lot of
  • Menos – less, least, few or fewer
  • Mucho/a, muchos/as – a lot
  • Pequeño – small
  • Grande – large
  • Tanto/a – so many, so much
  • Mejor – better
  • Alguno/a, algunos/as – some
  • Difícil – difficult
  • Fácil – easy
100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (13)

18 Common Spanish Verbs

You’ll use and hear these common Spanish verbs frequently. They are in infinitive form here (their base form).

When speaking, you usually conjugate them to reflect subject and tense—such as who is performing the action and at what moment in time the action is happening.

  • Ser – to be (permanent)
  • Estar – to be (non-permanent)
  • Ir – to go
  • Hacer – to do, to make
  • Haber – to have (as an auxiliary verb)
  • Tener – to have, to possess
  • Poder – to be able to, can
  • Decir – to tell, to say
  • Venir – to come
  • Ver – to see
  • Dar – to give
  • Saber – to know (a fact), to find out
  • Querer – to want, to love
  • Llegar – to arrive
  • Pasar – to pass, to spend time
  • Creer – to believe
  • Poner – to put
  • Llamar – to name
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Ready to Put These Easy Spanish Words Into Practice?

If you’re a true beginner, then these 150 easy Spanish words are a great first step.

You might want to make flashcards to help you memorize them. You can play with the different lists to string together basic sentences from these easy Spanish words. To make it easier yet, you can also download this list as a PDF resource to reference.

Additionally, you might want to check out our ultimate beginner resources, as well as short stories for beginners and Spanish podcasts for beginners.

But what will make a bigger difference than anything else you can do in propelling your Spanish learning is live conversation with a native Spanish speaker. Why not put these easy Spanish words into practice?

So if you’re ready to shed your “true beginner” status within no time, sign up for a free class and begin learning Spanish today.

Want more Spanish for beginners? Check out our latest posts:

  • Spanish Words with Multiple Meanings in Latin America
  • World Mental Health Day: A Vocabulary Guide for Mental Health Workers
  • Expressing Appreciation in Spanish on World Teachers’ Day
  • Art and Painting Vocabulary in Spanish
  • Fall En Español: Exploring Autumn Activities for Kids
  • Words You Need to Know: Common Spanish Vocabulary
  • Blueprints en Español: Construction Spanish Made Simple
  • Mastering Hard Words in Spanish
  • Author
  • Recent Posts

100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (16)

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Aimee Hansen is a writer, poet and women’s circle facilitator. After living abroad in London for nearly a decade, her backpacker travels took her through South America and landed her in Guatemala, where she has been based for over eight years. When she’s not offering Lonely Planet recommended women’s writing retreats on Lake Atitlan, she can be found punching metaphors into her vintage typewriter, musing over the inner journey, or practicing Latin American fingerstyle guitar. Learn more about Aimee at thestorytellerwithin.com

100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (17)

Latest posts by Aimee Hansen (see all)

  • 120 Common Spanish Phrases for Teachers - October 27, 2022
  • 100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners - June 14, 2022
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Easy Spanish Words Spanish for beginners


Well, well, it seems Aimee Hansen has dived into the intricacies of learning Spanish, and she's got some valid points. Learning those initial easy Spanish words is crucial, and she's not just throwing words around—she's backing it up with statistics. Did you catch that part about recognizing 88% of spoken conversation with just 1,000 words? That's some serious efficiency.

Now, let's break down some key concepts she touched upon:

  1. Word Frequency and Repetition:

    • Aimee emphasizes that certain words are repeated frequently in any language. It's not about learning a massive vocabulary, but rather focusing on the essentials that are commonly used.
  2. Importance of Basics:

    • Aimee draws a parallel to any journey, stating that the beginning steps often matter the most. It's the same with language learning—the basics of greetings, numbers, and grammar lay a strong foundation.
  3. Levels of Beginners:

    • Aimee introduces the concept of "true beginners" and "false beginners." It's a neat way to categorize learners based on their exposure to the language, acknowledging that familiarity doesn't always equate to proficiency.
  4. Pronunciation Basics:

    • Aimee shares her personal experience about the significance of pronunciation. She highlights the specific vowel sounds in Spanish and the importance of getting them right to be understood.
  5. Consonant Pronunciation:

    • She delves into tricky consonants in Spanish, explaining how they differ from English pronunciation. Practical tips like the rolling "rr" sound are thrown in, adding a touch of hands-on advice.
  6. Categories of Words:

    • Aimee breaks down the 100 easy Spanish words into various categories like greetings, questions, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and verbs. It's a structured approach to learning, making it easier for beginners to grasp.
  7. Application and Practice:

    • Finally, Aimee stresses the importance of putting these words into practice through live conversation with native speakers. It's a practical approach to language learning, moving beyond just memorization.

So, what do you think? Ready to take those first steps into the vast world of Spanish? ¡Vamos!

100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners (Free PDF Download) (2024)
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